Baby Etchecopar and Cristina Pérez crossed paths ugly for alleged sexual practices

Journalists Baby Etchecopar y Cristina Perez They starred in a harsh exchange in the framework of the pass that both make on Radio 10. They discussed, distributed accusations, passed bills and ended up putting an end to the possibility of sharing air.

To the limit as is his style, Baby told Cristina some questions that had to do with “supposed sexual practices” involving members of “La Cámpora”, the youth group that is part of the “hard wing” of Kirchnerism.

For example, he told her that someone he knows once confessed to him that “on a hot night I couldn’t sleep and I called a young girl”, although he clarified that this denomination “didn’t mean that she was a minor”.

“What you are telling me seems horrible,” Cristina cut herself off at first. But Baby didn’t take much of her point and she went on with her speech. “Look, everything happened there. There were some who first grabbed from above, and then grabbed from below and from below as well. When I was in another medium they told me «this one doesn’t hit because it’s such…”” .

Then, Cristina Pérez felt that her colleague had crossed a limit, and she let him know. “What you’re saying is terrifying. And I don’t want to get into anyone’s bed. This is very delicate, you know?” She told him. Baby retorted: “Then why don’t you practice investigative journalism and investigate what’s going on?”

Without Pérez being able to complete an answer, Baby was startled and yelled at her: “You’re not a good friend. When you want to practice journalism, you screw up everything. And you always leave me paying.”

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Cristina denied that and insisted that she doesn’t want to get between anyone’s sheets, but Baby lashed out again. “Then I don’t make any more passes. We don’t agree on anything. You don’t like my driving, and I don’t like yours. I love you the same, I love your boyfriend, we can dance together at the party of marriage, but passes we do not do more. And now say goodbye, give it, I have to do my program, “he closed.

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