Bank credit growth is accelerating

On a monthly basis, the money supply, designated by the M3 aggregate, recorded a decline of 0.4% to return to 1,573.8 billion dirhams. This development mainly reflects a 1.1% drop in demand deposits with banks and a 2.1% drop in term accounts, as well as a 2.2% increase in fiduciary money, explains BAM, which has just published its key indicators of monetary statistics for the month of April 2022.

On the other hand, bank credit to the non-financial sector increased by 0.9%, with an increase of 2.9% in cash facilities, 0.3% in equipment loans, 0.2% real estate loans and 0.3% of consumer loans. On the other hand, net claims on central government fell by 1.8% and official reserve assets by 1.1%.

On a year-on-year basis, BAM points out that the money supply increased by 5.3% following 6.3% in March 2022. This development covers a deceleration in the growth of demand deposits with banks from 8.3% to 7.9%, an accentuation of the drop from 2.9% to 5.6% in term deposits, as well as an increase of 9.2% following 8.2% in fiduciary circulation, explains the same source.

On the other hand, the annual growth of official reserve assets slowed to 8.3% following 9% and that of net claims on central government to 16.5% following 20.8% in March 2022. Conversely, bank credit to the non-financial sector saw its growth accelerate to 3.2% following 2.8%, with an increase of 5.6% once morest 4.6% in loans to private companies, an accentuation of the fall in loans to public non-financial corporations from 15.9% to 16.6% and a virtual stagnation of loans to households at 3.4%.

The breakdown by economic purpose of loans allocated to the non-financial sector shows an increase in cash facilities of 9.4% following 7.3%, a deceleration from 2.6% to 2.3% in the growth of real estate loans and a virtual stagnation in the fall in equipment loans at 2.6% and the rise in consumer loans at 2.3%.

Finally, with regard to non-performing loans, their annual growth rate stood at 5.3% and their credit ratio reached 8.8%.

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