Ergophobia, the irrational fear of working: why it occurs and what is its treatment | Health & Wellness

According to science, there are approximately 400 different phobias that can affect a person’s mind and life. Ergophobia is the irrational fear of work, a condition that can determine the way in which a person performs in her work, both in performance and in the relationship with her colleagues. The symptoms are similar to those of other phobias, as is its treatment, which should always be carried out by a qualified professional.

a phobia it is a type of social anxiety disorder, a strong and irrational fear of something that poses little or no real danger. According to Medline Plusthere are more than 400 types of these aversions in the world, one even, produces fear of working: ergophobia.

This irrational fear can produce high levels of anxiety that affect work performance and relationships with colleagues or superiors.

It is important to note that if you feel or think you may have ergophobia, consult a medical specialist as soon as possible.

What is ergophobia?

The term ergophobia It is formed by combining two Greek words: ‘ergon’which means work, and ‘phobos’ which means fear. Therefore, it is an irrational fear of work, explains a report by the mean ABC.

This -irrational- scare can affect a person, due to the action of working or due to the place where the task is carried out.

Who suffers from this phobia, usually experiences one or more of the common symptoms of these conditions, before or during the working day:

  • Incrise of cardiac frecuency.
  • feeling of suffocation
  • Excessive sweating.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Panic attacks.
  • Upset stomach and headache.
  • Muscle tension.
  • Feeling of unreality.
  • Distress.
  • Loss of concentration.
  • Avoidant behaviors.
  • Why does fear of work occur?

    The origin of ergophobia It is not usually easy for a person to determine, because its symptoms resemble those of other irrational fears. Those who suffer from it usually have a feeling of anguish that forces them to fight to go to work.

    According to what is stated in the Mayo Clinic, from the United States, usually originates following a traumatic experience. It can also be caused by a stressful work environment or by negative events or by feeling unable to perform the functions of a certain job or fear of rejection by colleagues.

    Some consequences of this phobia are low productivity and quality of work, having uncontrollable feelings of irritability, worry or shame, in addition to the symptoms mentioned.

    How is ergophobia cured?

    The importance of determining the cause of a phobia, may be the most important step in treating one of these irrational fears. For the above, it is relevant to carry an adequate psychotherapy, done by a professional in order to.

    In the case of ergophobia, fear of workingcognitive behavioral therapy seems to be the most accepted.

    This involves exposure to learning ways to see and deal with the fearful object or situation in a different way.

    Cognitive behavioral therapy focuses on building self-confidence and mastering your thoughts and feelings, rather than being overwhelmed by them.



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