White spots on the nails? For this reason they appear

White spots on the nails, known by the medical term leukonychia, is a simple condition that is not serious and does not indicate disease. This shows that there is an alteration in the structure of the nail, which causes the spots.

According to the portal specialized in health your health These spots can appear on the fingernails or toenails. They can be a symptom that some essential nutrients are missing in the daily diet to maintain healthy nails “as is the case with calcium, zinc or vitamin B12, for example. This problem can be prevented and treated by maintaining a good diet and hydration of the nail”.

Medline Plus The website of the National Library of Medicine of the United States indicates that they can also appear due to medications or diseases. He details that “the dotted lesions of the nail correspond to the presence of small depressions on the surface of the nail. Sometimes the nail is also crumbling. The nail can become loose and sometimes fall off. These lesions are associated with psoriasis and alopecia areata.”

When to consult a doctor?

In case of presenting the following symptoms it is important to consult a doctor:

  • Blue nails.
  • deformed nails
  • Crooked nails.
  • horizontal ridges.
  • pale nails
  • White lines.
  • White under the nail.
  • Nail dimples.
  • Peeling of the nails.
  • Nail pain.
  • Ingrown toenails.

Tips for caring for nails at home

It is important to have healthy habits that contribute to well-being and improve the appearance of the nails. Mayo Clinica non-profit entity dedicated to clinical practice, education and research, indicates some recommendations:

  • Keep nails clean and dry.
  • Cut the nails in a straight line and then gently round them at the tips.
  • Apply moisturizer, especially on the cuticles.
  • Use nail hardener to keep nails strong.


Personal hygiene is very important to prevent fungi and avoid the risk of reinfection. Regarding this, the entity provides some recommendations to take into account:

  • Wash hands and feet frequently. Apply moisturizing cream following washing the nails.
  • Cut nails straight. File thick areas and disinfect each of the tools used for cleaning the nails.
  • Wear socks that absorb sweat.
  • Choose shoes that allow the skin of the foot to breathe. Wear footwear made of materials that keep your feet cool.
  • Old shoes should be avoided.
  • Do not use nail polish or false nails.

Recommendations to avoid nail and foot problems

Wearing proper footwear is the most important factor in avoiding foot, heel, ankle and nail problems. Mayo Clinic provides some tips to keep in mind when choosing shoes and contributing to the health of your toenails. Also, avoid fungi and discomfort in this part of the body.

  • Space: experts recommend avoiding the use of shoes that end in a point. The ideal is to wear shoes that have enough space so that the fingers are properly supported.
  • no to heels: High-heeled shoes are frequently used by women. The use of this type of footwear can cause back problems. Experts advise avoiding these shoes and replace it with a low heel.
  • Correct size: Over time, shoe sizes can change. It is important to check both feet and choose a size that is comfortable. Keep in mind that feet can swell during the day, so experts recommend buying shoes at the end of the day.



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