NASA lets you know how your voice would be heard on Mars

the rover Perseverance not only allows us more on the surface of Marte. His instruments also help us better understand how sound changes over time. Red planet.

The NASA has activated “Sounds of Mars” an interactive tool that allows you to record an audio of less than 10 seconds and know how it would be heard in Marte.

Access the tool.

Why do things sound different on Mars?

“Marte has an unusual atmosphere compared to the Tierra, with very different temperature, density and chemistry. These differences have three main effects on what you would listen to. NASA.

The speed of sound: The sounds emitted in the atmosphere of Marte may take a little longer to reach your ears since the speed of sound is slightly slower in Marte: 240 meters per second, less than 340 meters per second in the Tierra.

Volume: Mars’ atmosphere is 100 times less dense than Earth’s, so everything we hear would be quieter on Mars. You would have to be very close to the source of the sound to hear it at the same volume as on Earth.

sound quality: The atmosphere composed of 96% carbon monoxide is capable of absorbing the highest sounds, so only low sounds can travel long distances in Marte.

The Tools of Perserverance on Mars

the rover Perseverance It has two microphones on board, the first to operate on the surface of Mars.

The first one is part of the SuperCam, located on top of the rover. The SuperCam uses a laser to target rocks and determine what they are made of. The microphone recorded the sound of the laser hitting the rock. This microphone has also picked up the Martian winds.

The other microphone was placed on an experimental basis and is a commercial model that might be found in any specialized store. While it did not achieve its primary goal of recording sounds from the Mars entrance, it has survived and has managed to record additional sounds since Marte.

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