World Multiple Sclerosis Day: in Nantes, we raise awareness to better understand the disease

It is a disease that still affects 100,000 people in France and 2500 new cases are diagnosed each year. However, it is still impossible today to treat it.

Multiple sclerosis generally appears between the ages of 20 and 40 and mainly affects women. Rather little known, this disease attacks the cerebral nervous system of the patient by destroying the nervous envelope which covers the neurons. The information passes less well, which leads to the appearance of motor, sensory, cognitive, visual but also urinary and intestinal disturbances.

Arnaud Gautelier has suffered from multiple sclerosis since 1998. He decided to found the association Notre Sclérose with Sandy Thomaré in Nantes in order to offer support to all patients. Multiple symptoms, invisible symptoms, advanced stage or not, the disease remains difficult to tame for patients and their relatives.

Research progresses

The Notre Sclérose association founded by Arnaud and Sandy also donates 100% of its donations to INSERM in Nantes with the hope, one day, of finding a cure for multiple sclerosis. If a cure is not yet possible, there are advances. Today, around twenty treatments are capable of reducing relapses (crises) and improving the quality of life of patients.

Research has distinguished two types of multiple sclerosis. On the one hand, relapsing-remitting, which affects 85% of patients and acts by crises. On the other hand, secondary-progressive, more aggressive, for which there are no treatments yet and which leads to disability.

To better understand multiple sclerosis, do not hesitate to visit the site Professional articles and numerous testimonials are available. You can also download the My life with multiple sclerosis application, which provides information regarding the disease in a fun way.

Research, cause for hope

Research, cause for hope

Credit: Research, cause for hope



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