When you’re angry… 5 ways to escape from emotional eating


emotional eatingis positive or negative emotions are the causeThis means that you can eat without feeling hungry. Especially stressreceive or depressedwhen, or lonelinesswhen you feel sweet foodor high calorie foodThere are times when they eat a lot.

Such emotional eating is detrimental to your health, and is the biggest enemy of your diet. Jennifer Tights, author and clinical psychologist, said:I’m not even hungry eat or stressWhen receiving or eating not to notice eating It is an emotional meal.” Health information site ‘Activebit.com’ 5 Steps to Ending Your Emotional Eatingintroduced


Take snapshots while eating

of the day moment to eatsecond PhotoTake a picture and record it. eating patterncan be recognized at work stressto alleviate The scene in the photo of eating snacksWhat to eat if you see to avoid You can come up with a different action plan. also at night in front of the tvat scene eating snacksIn order to reduce this behavior Action requiredwill take

figure out your emotions

Own about eating behavior tendencyIf you are aware of any factors that interfere with weight loss or healthy eating, tricky emotionsabout the graspNeeds to be. Problems arise when you don’t express your needs well and try to comfort yourself with food.

Save something on your laptop or smartphone before eatingclass while eatingand after eatingof emotionAbout recorddo it This will help you figure out whether you’re eating because of physiological hunger or something else.


the hardest to accept

emotionclass eating reaction between patternclass correlationOnce you’ve been outlined, the most difficult part is instead of trying to repress these emotions with food. direction to acceptwill go out to humans are negative emotionswhen trying to avoid strategicbecomes this

but this negative emotionsBe sure to hear it later processwhat to doBecause of this, it is better to do it now if possible. When emotions arise and you want to run madly into the kitchen laptopor Smartphonegrabbing and getting up on the body emotionthisme feelingwrite it down and sit down take a deep breathLet’s feel these emotions and let them pass by.

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do tension-relieving exercises

Results, relaxation exercisehas several effects. stress responseclass heart rate, blood pressurefrom reducing Immunityaugmentthrough meditation mindfulnessclass take a deep breathcan make a big difference to your health.

When you feel the urge to eat comfortable posturesit with 3 deep breaths try it Picture the tension leaving your body with each breath. It will break the habit of running to the refrigerator.

ask around for help

emotional eatinggo food addictionYou should know that it can lead to food addiction is serious mental illnessis considered to be obesity wounds from the pastme abuse It can also be caused by a mental health problem caused by it. psychologistme awardwall expertThey can provide adequate help to get you out of an emotional eating or food addiction.

Comedy.com kormedinews@kormedi.com

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