CARESS 974 is born

Because unity is strength, several sexual health stakeholders have come together to demystify the subject among the population. The Collective of Reunionese Actors Committed to Sexual Health (CARESS) 974 was thus created with the aim of promoting, informing and raising awareness of sexual health, with a positive approach to sexuality. Officially launched on the sidelines of Sexual Health Week, which runs from May 30 to June 5, the collective also carries out various preventive actions across the island, including free screening operations.

CARESS 974 was created with the aim of having a common identity for a set of actors involved in sexual health. With an identity easily identifiable by Réunionnaises and Réunionnais, the collective wants to be a guarantee of seriousness, trust and reliable information. It seemed important to us to demystify this subject and to make the public aware of the actors working in this field. “We noted a real lack of knowledge in terms of sexual health, regularly associated with diseases and other sexual disorders only. We have therefore decided, with the support of the Regional Health Agency (ARS) of La Réunion, to carry out together a vast information and prevention campaign on the island”, explains Dr Catherine Gaud, Hospital Practitioner and President of COREVIH Indian Ocean

This information, awareness and prevention campaign aims to promote better sexual health. It aims for the general population to approach their sexuality in a positive and respectful way, without taboos, without discrimination, without violence. Thus, with the creation of CARESS 974, all actors in sexual health unite their efforts around the same fight: to demystify sexual health in Reunion in order to allow everyone to live a pleasant and safe sex life.

In addition to Sexual Health Week, the campaign also includes a digital component, notably on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok in order to reach all audiences. Publications and other small explanatory videos will also deconstruct all received ideas and break taboos around sexual health. This communication campaign was made possible thanks to the support of the Reunion ARS and will continue in November, as part of screening week.



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