Janina Reimann about moving to Hawaii to Konny and Manu!

Janina Reimann lives in Portland with her family. But might she soon move to Hawaii with her family?

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Equestrian and Manuela Reimann have made their home in Hawaii and have been living there for seven years now. Her move from Texas to O’ahu however, also led to the spatial separation from her children Jason and Janina.


Janina Reimann feels comfortable in Portland

While son Jason stayed in Texas, Janina moved to Portland with her family. The American-by-choice, who has just become a mother for the second time, also feels very comfortable there. “Here in Portland we have built a nice life,” emphasizes the 34-year-old in her Instagram story.

Also interesting:

Her husband Coleman and she would have made many friends there. She also loves living so close to the mountains. There’s only one thing she misses regarding Texas: the food! However, many followers are also wondering whether Hawaii would be an option for the family.

Is Janina moving to Konny and Manuela Reimann in Hawaii?

Then Janina might at least see her parents regularly. The move is not planned, as she now clarifies. “No, we don’t plan on moving to Hawaii. We like it very much here in Portland and don’t want to leave here for the time being.”

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At least that doesn’t sound like saying goodbye to Portland is completely out of the question in the future. And Manu and Konny would also be happy if they might have their children and grandchildren around more!

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