Municipal Standing Committee (expanded) meeting held

To show Tongxiang’s “big appearance and strong responsibility” with economic stability and progress

Municipal Standing Committee (expanded) meeting held

Release date: 2022-05-30 09:03

Source of information: “Today’s Tongxiang”


On the morning of May 27, the Municipal Standing Committee (expanded) meeting was held to convey and study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important exposition on digital reform at the 25th meeting of the Central Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform, and at the 38th Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee. The spirit of the important speech during the group study, the spirit of the national teleconference on stabilizing the economic market, and the spirit of the speech made by the provincial party secretary Yuan Jiajun when he went to Jiaxing for investigation, etc., deploy the goals and tasks of the next stage. Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee Yu Huiyou presided over the meeting and delivered a speech. City leaders Pan Chuandi, Chen Lingen and Zhu Guoqing attended the meeting.

The meeting pointed out that the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important discussion on digital reform at the Central Deep Reform Commission meeting provided the fundamental guidelines and pointed out the way forward for us to effectively promote digital reform. It is necessary to study, publicize and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important expositions on digital reform as an important task at present and in the future, and combine the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speeches and congratulatory letters at the World Internet Conference over the years to study in depth and systematically, and quickly organize, Fully rolled out, guide the whole society to deeply understand the great value and bright prospects of digital reform, and further gather powerful forces to promote reform in depth.

The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to innovate the new model of “major reform + major application”, focusing on reform breakthroughs and actual combat results; to seize the critical moment, to play a good “one step”, to focus on major breakthroughs in major applications, and to accelerate the creation of major reform marks sexual outcomes. It is necessary to shift the focus of work from the early docking and striving for pilots to the current docking, striving for results and obtaining recognition, and striving for the best applications and applications of “innovation in one place and sharing in the whole province”.

The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to attach great importance to the problems in economic development and further enhance the sense of urgency and responsibility for economic work. Focus on problems, analyze thoroughly, identify measures, do everything in Tongxiang’s own affairs, firmly grasp the initiative in economic work, and deal with uncertainty in the situation with the certainty of work. We must make economic stabilization a top priority at the moment, and go all out to promote economic stabilization and improvement with extraordinary measures. Firmly establish the sense of urgency that “not being in the forefront is also a risk”, conscientiously implement the relevant requirements of superiors, strengthen confidence, face difficulties, work hard to overcome difficulties, strive for the best results with the greatest efforts, and strive for the best results with Tongxiang economy. The stability and progress of the company fully demonstrate the “big appearance, strong responsibility”.

The meeting emphasized that the overall goals of the current and future work are: to efficiently coordinate epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, take extraordinary measures, go all out to promote economic stabilization and improvement, ensure that economic operations remain within a reasonable range, and ensure that the “Mobile Red Flag Award” to ensure the stability of the overall social situation and welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the 15th Provincial Party Congress with outstanding results.

It is necessary to fully carry out special actions to stabilize enterprises, do a good job in supporting key enterprises, open up the blocking points of the industrial chain and supply chain, and increase financial support. It is necessary to fully carry out the special campaign of attracting the big and the strong, focusing on the industrial chain to attract investment, focusing on key areas to attract investment, and to attract investment both internally and externally. It is necessary to fully carry out special actions to expand effective investment, and strengthen project services, project planning, and project guarantees. We must make every effort to carry out policies to efficiently undertake special actions, make full use of policies, study and understand policies, and refine and improve policies. It is necessary to fully carry out the special action of stabilizing foreign trade, implement the special action of “return of foreign trade”, carry out foreign trade promotion work, and improve the foreign trade risk prevention and control system. It is necessary to fully carry out special actions to boost consumption, strengthen policy stimulus, optimize consumption supply, and ensure the stable and healthy development of the real estate market. It is necessary to fully carry out the special action of innovation and leadership, pay close attention to the construction of innovation carriers led by the Wuzhen Laboratory, more prominently serve as the main body of enterprise innovation, and place the recruitment of talents and talents in a prominent and important position. It is necessary to fully carry out special actions to improve urban quality, and strengthen quality improvement, civilization creation, and infrastructure. It is necessary to fully carry out the special action of land consolidation in the whole region, and do a good job in the renovation of “high-consumption and low-efficiency” enterprises and the renovation of industrial leased workshops. We must make every effort to carry out special actions for insurance and security, deepen the rectification of prominent problems in the field of safety, do a good job in normalizing epidemic prevention and control, and do a good job in ensuring basic people’s livelihood.

The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to further strengthen the party’s leadership over economic work, to ensure stable economic progress and quality, and to achieve the annual development goals as scheduled. It is necessary to take the initiative to shoulder the political responsibility, take stabilizing growth as the current top priority and the number one task, and earnestly shoulder the responsibility of stabilizing the economic market; further enhance the awareness of learning, and continuously improve the ability and level of leadership in economic work. It is necessary to quickly implement it, take the spirit of the relevant meetings of the superiors as the necessary content of each party committee (party group), and accurately grasp the new situation, new tasks and new requirements. It is necessary to have a strong atmosphere of striving for excellence, adhere to goal orientation, make good use of notifications, strengthen special supervision, and promote the implementation of various tasks in detail, speed and efficiency.



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