How do you come with the limit of your cards to take advantage of the Hot Sale 2022 promos?

It is a reality, we all know that marketing actions such as Hot Sale 2022 they have more of an advertisement than real opportunities, but from time to time an opportunity appears.

Whether you want to issue a national flight, buy tickets for a Eurotrip, buy a good coffee maker, change your cell phone or whatever, you need to have credit card limit to be able to make the payment of whatever we buy.

Depending on the dates, class and other factors, two round trip tickets to Europe they can cost half a million pesos and we do not always have AR$ 500,000 available in the credit card limit.

And you, How do you come with the limit of your cards to take advantage of the Hot Sale 2022 promotions?

Let us remember that it is possible to request a transitory limit increase on the credit card:

Request a temporary limit increase on the credit card

Of course, you can also pay with debit or prepaid cards like those that are so current and give cashback in crypto, but we always suggest being careful regarding having a lot of money in debit or prepaid cards, in the face of a scam it is not the same to say “THEY EMPTYED MY ACCOUNT!” what to say “I AM NOT GOING TO PAY THOSE CONSUMPTIONS THAT I DO NOT KNOW”.

Again the question:

How do you come with the limit of your cards to take advantage of the Hot Sale 2022 promotions?

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