Is the love between the couple over? So you can end the courtship without hurting feelings

In most cases, getting over a breakup is a source of stress for both people. Relationships are a primary source of happiness and satisfaction for most couples. so their breakup can become a great discomfort if it is not approached responsibly.

In this way, saying goodbye with love is possible as long as there is an affective responsibility on the part of both. Magazine Body and mind, reveals some tips that should be taken into account when ending a loving affective bond.

  • Stop feeling guilty love is an energy in constant movement that transforms over time, so when one of the two decides not to continue the relationship, the only thing left for the other to do is accept it with humility and generosity, without feeling guilty.

Each part of the relationship plays the same role within it: responsibilities, blame and reproaches will always be shared between both members of the couple. In this way, it is important to reflect on one’s own behavior as a way of learning from mistakes. center all the attention and energy in finding the culprit will not serve no help in the recovery process.

  • Say it in the best way: Most couples, when in this situation, get into a very painful romantic war or endless goodbyes that take time, energy and make them suffer. In this way, experts recommend going to a quiet and intimate place, taking a deep breath and explaining how you feel, taking care of the words you use. At this point it is essential to talk regarding yourself, avoiding reproaches and false accusations so that the other person does not feel attacked. Finally, you should listen to the couple who feel free to express what they feel regarding this decision.
A study by the University of Binghamton (New York) and University College, ensures that the recovery time following a rupture ranges from six months to two years. – Foto: Getty Images
  • Maintain a neutral stance in the face of the situation: After this conversation, there are usually people who melt into long hugs, there are people who have sex for the last time or emotions of resentment accompanied by tears can surface. Keep in mind that all emotions can be expressed, however, it is important to avoid using them as pain bombs and maintain mutual emotional responsibility.

According to a study carried out by Binghamton University (New York) and University College London, entitled “Quantitative gender differences in response to the dissolution of a romantic relationship”, Recovery time following a breakup ranges from six months to two years. It is a fairly wide range, but each person will have a unique and personal process.

The aforementioned study determined that there are relevant differences in the way men and women deal with a breakup. They suffer more intense pain, but in temporary terms they recover sooner. For their part of men, the pain is less, but they take longer to overcome it. So much so, that it is more common for a man to “turn the page” and rebuild his life even without having completely overcome his previous relationship.

Likewisesaid research revealed that there are up to six phases of mourning following a breakup, although they can differ greatly depending on the personal case. The first is disorientation, bewilderment and panic in the face of an uncertain scenario. Then comes the pain and sadness, followed by a stage of reflection and another of assimilation. Subsequently, the person opens up to new relationships and in the final phase the satisfaction of having resumed his life is given.



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