video through space

The collective of audiovisual artists Kiranil settles in La Cellule, a cellar in rue Pierre-Aeby, in Fribourg, in which they organize exhibitions

Video installation during the Asomnia exhibition. © Dimitri Kanel

Video installation during the Asomnia exhibition. © Dimitri Kanel

Published on 30.05.2022

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

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Culture » It is in “La Cellule”, a cellar on Rue Pierre-Aeby in Friborg that the video artist collective Kiranil decided to settle. Composed of directors, painters, photographers and graphic designers, the group defines itself as an artistic production collective centered on audiovisual creation whose objective is to create living works.

The Kiranil collective originally existed only through the publicity that the various members tried to do on social networks: “It was trying and demoralizing. Having a place in which to show our works now allows us to reach a different audience in addition to giving greater reality to our works and to our group,” explains Thibaud Gumy, 20, member of the collective. Thanks to La Cellule, artists can now gather an audience around concrete elements.

Indeed, for more than a year, Kiranil, which means light in Malagasy, has been organizing exhibitions, concerts and evenings, which combine video creations, music, painting and graphics. After having notably produced several music videos for Friborg artists, Kiranil organizes Async his first exhibition in March 2021, at Arsen’Alt. Enthused by the influx of the public, the members of the collective decide to invest a place, which they have known for a long time and which the former occupants were leaving: this famous cellar in Rue Pierre-Aeby.

Circulate Bodies

“A cell is both the center of life, a universal unit, as well as a room in which we are isolated. We really liked this parallel,” explains Flavio Sanchez, 24, a member of the collective. Then, in March 2022, it’s the turn of the exhibition Asomnia to see the light of day between painting, installations and video projections. The Cell thus serves as a gateway to Kiranil’s work. “By allowing bodies to circulate freely in our works and our installations, we can develop a critical approach to the reception of images by an audience, which can be interested in what it wants,” adds Thibaud.

“In the future, we would like to offer artist residencies for a week, at the end of which we would organize a small exhibition to show the result. We would also like to organize a film club there,” says Flavio. Soon, the collective will broadcast like a tree, his 45-minute documentary on the consequences of colonization in Madagascar. Then, in August, the public will be able to attend the concert of the musical project Kyoto Kafka. To stay informed of all the upcoming actions of this overflowingly creative collective, the members of Kiranil make an appointment on their website or on their Instagram account.

Instagram: @kiranilstudio



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