Humans are exposed to several types affection cerebral chronicles dont laddiction that is one of the most common forms. This behavioral and personality disorder exists in different forms and can be fatal in some cases. Indeed, several factors can explain the development of a addiction in an individual. Fortunately, there are various forms of support for treating a addiction. What are the different types d’addiction and how can they be treated?
Definition of an addiction
We are talking d’addiction in an individual when he depends on an activity or a substance, which has harmful effects on his state of health. When an individual is addict, it fails to control its use or consumption, despite the negative fallout. In other words, he has no control over his impulses.
In some cases, it may happen that the patient tries desperately to reduce or stop their consumption. But, it is clear that in the absence of appropriate care, it relapses. However, let us note that from the moment the patient goes through a period of abstinence and subsequently relapses, his addiction may become more severe.
L’addiction usually stems from a addiction with respect to an activity or substance psychoactive the harmful use or abuse of which has deleterious effects. The addiction is one of the characteristics that a person develops addicted. It is a question of addiction when the patient faces a “lack” during which he develops the phenomenon of craving (impulse that conveys an irrepressible need to consume a substance psychoactive or do an activity).
Causes and people at risk
Several factors may explain the addiction of a person towards a substance or an activity. First, we can talk regarding factors genetic. Genetic vulnerability may be the cause of the development of a addiction. The diversity of reactions from one to the other in the face of drugs can be explained by genetic variability.
Indeed, human behavior is governed by neurotransmitters whose level of activity can fluctuate from one individual to another and, consequently, trigger a vulnerability to l’addiction. In this case, several systems are disrupted. These are the dopaminergic, cannabinoid or serotoninergic system.
It can therefore be clearly deduced that the factors genetic are related to neurobiological differences. Besides the factors geneticwe can also talk regarding:
- Of the troubles psychic (depression, anxiety disorder, personality disorder or obsessive compulsive disorder);
- Of the shocks emotionalincluding death, accidents or separation;
- From devaluation of soi ;
- Of evolution in and environment familial toxic ;
- From weak valued of soi.
With regard to people at risk, we can talk regarding adolescents or even people to traits of temper specific (case of people impulsive). Many people will wonder why the adolescents are more subject to the development of a addiction. Indeed, adolescence is a period of risk for an individual. Wanting to test its limits, l’adolescent will be on an adrenaline quest to get there.
Moreover, given that access to addictive substances is facilitated by the environment, it will gradually develop a addiction. When consuming a substance psychoactive for example, the risk of addiction in adulthood is much higher.
Different types of addiction
There are three types d’addiction. We distinguish the addictions behavioural, everyday and substance-related.
We are talking d’addiction to substances when an individual is “addicted” to a dope or one medication. The substances psychoactive exist in several forms. For example, we can cite:
- The tobacco ;
- Cannabis;
- The alcohol ;
- Cocaine;
- The heroine;
- Codeine;
- Amphetamine;
- L’ecstasy ;
- Les poppers.
In addition, we can also talk regarding methamphetamine, psychoactive drugs (case of benzodiazepines), ketamine and opium.
As it concerns l’addiction behavioralit corresponds to a addiction towards an activity. She is qualified as d’addiction sans substance “. Furthermore, the mechanism of l’addiction behavioral is similar to that of l’addiction to substances. Shapes d’addiction behavioral are many. We can cite :
- Addiction to gambling;
- Addiction to physical activity (bigorexia);
- Addiction to video games, also called cyberaddiction;
- Sex addiction;
- Addiction to work (ergomania);
- L’oniomanie ;
- Emotional addiction (due to lack of affection).
As for l’addiction daily, it is present everywhere. It is found in the abuse of chocolate, sugar or the use of mobile phones. This guy d’addiction is not always harmful.
Consequences of addiction
The psychological and physiological effects are linked to each activity or substance. The psychological repercussions of a addiction video games will be different from those related to a substance psychoactive. Usually, the effects are felt on the mood and behavior of the patient. Thus, an addiction can cause:
- Of serious neurological disorders;
- A withdrawal from life in society;
- Impulsivity;
- Cognitive difficulties.
Speaking specifically of the addiction to substances psychoactiveit can induce in the patient a cancerof the hepatitis B and C (case of drugs injectables) or some maladies cardiovascular.
Addiction symptoms
The onset of symptoms is related to the form as well as the severity of l’addiction. A addiction can manifest itself in an individual by a craving, a progressive loss of control, an inability to stop certain behaviors. It can also be manifested by an increase in consumption to obtain the same effect: we speak of tolerance.
However, before the complete installation of a addictioncertain warning signs can be identified in the patient:
- Memory problems;
- Difficulty sleeping;
- Weight loss or even weight gain;
- Difficulties in exchanging;
- Pains ;
- Absenteeism at work or at school (case of the youngest);
- A change in appearance;
- A total lack of interest in the activities practiced in the past.
In the presence of these signs, it is best to go to the hospital to diagnose the disease and, if possible, receive appropriate treatment.
There are a few criteria defined by the medical profession to diagnose a addiction. We can cite :
- An addiction;
- Un craving;
- And syndrome weaning;
- Significant time devoted to drugs;
- Social and relational difficulties;
- A loss of responsibility for its obligations;
- Efforts and desires to decrease;
- A maintenance of consumption despite the pernicious psychological and physical damage.
To these criteria, we can add the loss of control and a regression of other activities to the benefit of the addiction. When an individual presents over a year at least two of these signs, then we can say that he suffers from a addiction. When the patient presents only two of these criteria, l’addiction is considered low. It is moderate when the patient presents four to five criteria and severe when he presents at least six criteria.
Addiction treatment
Treat a patient addict is done according to its type of consumption. The patient must be hospitalized. It must be taken care of by a doctor addictologue in a service addictology. The doctor will first carry out an assessment of the patient’s various consumptions. He will then set up a protocol to allow his patient to put an end to his harmful consumption.
Psychological support
In addition to the care, the patient can also benefit from a accompaniement psychological. Moreover, it is often recommended to follow therapy sessions with a psychologist specializing in the field of addiction in order to better recover. The psychologist will have a very specific role. Indeed, it will help the patient to understand the reason for which he is addicted to such drug or such activity.
He will also play the role of guide, in the sense that he will instil in the patient behaviors aimed at replacing his former harmful practices. The accompaniment psychological is therefore ideal for curing a addiction.
The withdrawal
Leweaning designates a bodily state which consists in depriving oneself of a given substance ( substance psychoactive in this case). This process is marked by symptoms that arise from the substance of which one deprives oneself of the use. the weaning is a marker of l’addiction. However, it is helpful in the recovery process. When l’addiction is at an advanced stage, it is during the weaning the most visible symptoms appear.
The patient feels a pressing need to consume a substance psychoactive to alleviate symptoms. This is precisely one of the reasons why the risk of relapse is higher.
Depending on the substance ingested, withdrawal can be manifested by:
- Dilation of the pupils;
- A drop or increase in appetite;
- Significant perspiration;
- Dizziness ;
- The fatigue ;
- A high heart rate;
- Des hallucinations ;
- Of the pains muscle;
- Headaches.
In addition, the patient may also express anxiety or nervousness. theweaning must be carried out with medical support at the risk of raising certain complications or causing death.