Ukrainian leader surveys damage in Kharkiv

Ukrainian leader surveys damage in Kharkiv This was the first departure from Kiev since the Russian army launched an offensive. In Kiev, people came out to celebrate the city’s founding.

Today (30 May 2022) Volodymyr Zelensky, President of Ukraine Field to meet with Ukrainian forces in Kharkiv. The country’s second largest city for the first time to explore the damage caused by the Russian attack

In addition, the Ukrainian leader had the opportunity to consult with local leaders that more than 2,229 residential buildings were damaged in Kharkiv and across the region, and said that repairs and restoration will be done to bring the city back to life. In which to do so, you will need to find money and a credit limit. The government must provide guarantees and cities. There must be a plan for rehabilitation and money for the implementation of the plan.

Kharkiv has been hit hard since the first month Russia opened the war. before the Ukrainian forces gradually The expulsion of Russia from surrounding cities in April and May prompted residents to gradually return and subways to reopen. But the city remained in the ranks of Russian artillery. which following the visit of the Ukrainian leader Several explosions sounded.

while in Independence Square, the central square of Kiev capital of the country An official celebration of the 1,540th anniversary of the founding of the capital was held.

The townspeople come together and enjoy the music and events that are being held, of which this year’s celebrations have special meaning. Because a few months ago the city was surrounded by Russia.

One of the attendees said the celebration had given Ukraine hope. because it shows that Kiev is still alive Despite efforts by Russia to siege or take over

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