towards a revision of the statutes for a new organization

Often criticized on the composition of its decision-making bodies, especially with regard to the constitution of its national council, the Istiqlal Party has finally decided to review its organization by amending its statutes. The changes will have to be made during the extraordinary congress, the date of which will be fixed shortly. The executive committee that made this decision prefers not to give details on the subject, contenting itself with a brief press release.

Creating surprise, the Istiqlal Party issued a brief press release on Friday announcing the holding of an extraordinary congress. When ? Where ? No indication is made in said press release. He only emphasizes that the main objective of this is “to amend and improve the statutes of the party”. We just learned that, within the framework of a “study retreat”, held in the locality of Harhoura, the executive committee presented a detailed report drawn up by a sub-commission composed of members of the executive committee which was responsible for work on the revision of the statutes. Following which the leadership of the balance party adopted a draft amendment which will be submitted to the congressmen at a forthcoming extraordinary congress. “The date and place” of this conclave will be fixed “in the coming days”, reads the press release issued on this occasion.

The multiple phone calls we made to many party leaders were unsuccessful. The few responses we received agree that “the members of the executive committee have agreed not to discuss the subject for the moment”. However, “Le Matin” was able to learn that the proposed amendments aim above all to bring regarding an overhaul of the party on the organizational level. This involves, for example, reducing the number of members of the national council. Indeed, the party led by Nizar Baraka had always been criticized on the composition of this bloated body, flooded with many members from the various parallel bodies and often appointed and not elected. It should be remembered that up to this date, the National Council is statutorily composed of 527 members elected at regional congress level, 440 members elected by parallel bodies and other “Professional Alliances”… To which are added the members of the the presidency, the (outgoing) members of the central committee, the former members of the executive committee, the party inspectors, the parliamentarians… A whole army of militants whose number automatically affects the composition of the congresses, since the members of the national council automatically appear on the list of delegates.

Because the statutes provide that the members of the preparatory commission – where the members of the national council systematically sit – are automatically part of the delegates. This also affects the preparatory commission for the congress. Quite rightly, the expected amendments will also make it possible to review the mechanisms allowing party militants to sit on the national council, which should have an effect on the composition of the other bodies. It should be noted that the party is also frequently criticized for the duplication that exists between the National Council and the Central Committee.

To which is added a structure which makes the particularity of the party, the authority of the inspectors. Similarly, a structure called the national coordination commission is provided for in the statutes, but its performance is not obvious and we rarely hear regarding it. In addition to these obsolete provisions of the statutes to be reviewed, we can also cite the reference and the links that exist between the party and its union branch, the General Union of Moroccan Workers (UGTM), as well as other parallel organizations … Added to this are the procedures adopted for the election of delegates at national congresses… Another point that might be subject to revision during this process of revamping the statutes is the election of the secretary general. Indeed, on many occasions, a debate took place within the Istiqlal regarding the election of this decision-making institution. Voices had called for giving him more legitimacy by providing for his election by the congress and not by the national council.



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