To smoke is to die… – L’Orient-Le Jour

Surely we have people around us who smoke. Whether it is our parents, relatives or friends. In Lebanon, regarding three out of 10 adults smoke regularly. Smokers first start with one cigarette a day, then this number increases to regarding a dozen. Unfortunately, it is often in college or high school that smoking begins to wreak havoc. So what can we do to convince the tobacco users around us?

Indeed, smoking has a negative impact on our health and our physique, since tobacco contains toxic substances that can be responsible for very serious diseases such as lung cancer.

At first glance, tobacco causes gum disease, bad breath and tooth loss. In other words, while smoking, the breath, the hands and the clothes are destined to smell bad.

In addition, nicotine, which is found in tobacco, causes sleep disturbances: consuming a cigarette before sleeping has the same effect as coffee, and can alter the desired state of relaxation. Sleep may therefore be disturbed. This is why it is advisable to eat light in the evening, to reduce the temperature of the room and to maintain a calm sound environment, especially not to smoke in order to benefit from a soft and peaceful sleep.

In addition, tobacco dehydrates the epidermis and can cause loss of collagen which leads to deep wrinkles on the cheeks, lips and corners of the eyes, the complexion of the face becomes duller. In other words, with age, skin aging in smokers is accelerated relative to actual age.

In addition, tobacco leads on the one hand to a decrease in female fertility of 10 to 40%, smokers take twice as long as non-smokers to have a child. And smoking during pregnancy includes many risks such as poor oxygenation of the fetus.

Finally, with each puff, the smoker inhales many toxic products that attack the respiratory system. As a result, he can be a victim of dangerous diseases including infectious, inflammatory, allergic or cancerous.

In short, cigarettes are an addiction that endangers both smokers and those around them. Therefore, it is better for young people to resist the curiosity to smoke.

Gabriella AZZI

Third grade student, Our Lady of the Holy Maronite Family – Sahel Alma

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Surely we have people around us who smoke. Whether it is our parents, relatives or friends. In Lebanon, regarding three out of 10 adults smoke regularly. Smokers first start with one cigarette a day, then this number increases to regarding a dozen. Unfortunately, it is often in college or high school that smoking begins…



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