Russian forces open fire on eastern Donbas-Severodonetsk… “Severe damage to civilians” reports that Russian troops have opened fire on Severodonetsk, a key strategic point in eastern Ukraine, in an attempt to occupy the Donbas region, killing civilians.

According to, authorities in Severodonetsk city said that water, electricity and communication were cut off in the recent fierce battle, and civilians who might not evacuate were trembling in fear. Some residents also had to get drinking water from wells as shells fell, authorities added.

Severodonetsk, with a population of regarding 100,000, has recently been under heavy attack, with three sides surrounded by Russian forces. Authorities estimate that regarding 1,500 civilians were killed in the recent attack.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said in a video address on the previous day that “Russian forces are focusing their attacks in the region to achieve any result.” I did.

[사진 출처 : AFP=연합뉴스]



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