A couple of Moroccan engineers stop in Libreville during their incredible continental journey

#Morocco : A young couple of Moroccan engineers has been on a journey across Africa for 5 months. They stopped in the Gabonese capital, Libreville. The opportunity for them to relate the first part of their incredible journey.

The adventure of Omar Berraho and his wife Chadyne Rahhali began in Morocco on January 22. For regarding a month, they toured the Deep Kingdom before meeting up in the West and Center of the continent with a stopover in Libreville, Gabon. “We did Mauritania, Senegal, Guinea Conakry, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Cameroon… In all, 11 countries following Morocco. We were a little tired of the routine. Especially since I worked in Paris for 8 years and Chadyne for 5 years. We wanted to see something else, in fact,” says Omar Berraho.

An incredible adventure aboard a fully restored older version Range Rover, and it is this monster of the road renowned for its inability to break down that has just allowed them to cross the equator in Gabon from Cameroon.

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It must be said that the desire to discover other cultures and other horizons of Africa is the basis of Omar and Chadyne’s travel project. From this experience, the young Moroccan couple keeps very good memories until then. “We said to ourselves that the best way to do it is to go by car to discover the road and the small villages. We met a lot of people who welcomed us in many countries, especially in Abidjan and Cameroon, etc. Also, we met a lot of people in small remote villages. It’s true that we mightn’t communicate, but we showed them our way of life which seemed strange to them. Then, there was a magical bond that was created between us. Communication was done with gestures because there were villages where no one spoke French. Afterwards, everything remains human, they knew for example that we needed to sleep. Several times, they offered us vegetables and fruits”, explain the two tourists.

The couple prepared for their trip with very little in the car. Just a roof tent for sleeping, some clothes and above all a perfect interior layout of their vehicle, as Omar Berraho shows us: “There is a small shelf where you cook to put the stove, etc. We have a work table and a small space that we use as storage. That’s a gasoline stove. We have a little Moroccan touch which is a tagine, and there is a tap which is powered by a water tank, an electric cooler and a 300 W electric solar panel with two batteries which allows us to be autonomous for 5 or 6 days”, explains Omar Berraho.

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While the two adventurers are recuperating in Libreville, they presented their civilities to the Moroccan ambassador to Gabon. Abdellah Sbihi visibly admired their courage to discover the other Africa: “Here are two young Moroccans, two young compatriots, who also live in Paris, who studied engineering and who had this very original, very special to travel our beautiful continent. I am truly honored to receive them today as part of this World Day for Africa which we recently celebrated and which we will continue to celebrate this evening at the residence of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco. Two young compatriots who left the Kingdom of Morocco 5 months ago and who are in their 11th host country and who confirmed to me that they were well received by our African friends and brothers And I can say that they are two young ambassadors, it is in this capacity that I also received them”, rejoiced the diplomat.

After Libreville, the adventure of the two young Moroccans continues and will have its epilogue in South Africa.



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