The Covid-19 virus has not had the same impact for some time. Hospitals are under less stress and there are fewer patients than a few months earlier. But health experts are nevertheless alerting the world, the pandemic has not gone away. Indeed, if the social distancing measures are relaxed and the cases of infected patients decrease, we are not immune to a resumption of the pandemic. Moreover, it is these same specialists who stipulate that the variants of the Covid-19 virus will not necessarily tend to be less and less dangerous so quickly. And that we might see a more aggressive variant emerge from the start of the school year this year.
Of course, readers ofObjeko will not say the opposite either, no one wants to see the measures once morest the pandemic harden once more. The confinement has had catastrophic consequences on the mental health of citizens and on the economy in particular. Although they were able to prevent hospitals from sinking under the weight of the waves of new patients in intensive care, this scenario remains to be avoided as much as possible. And for all these reasons, it must be understood that the vaccine strategy has not yet said its last word. So let’s go back in detail to this new announcement from the Haute Autorité de Santé.
The Covid-19 virus is still a global health problem
For several months now, we have been able to relax and not really think regarding the Covid-19 virus. The pandemic seems to be behind us for several reasons. Especially since May 16, the day of the authorization to no longer wear masks in public transport. A relief for many people. Although some continue to wear them, aware that such pandemic does not disappear all at once. But we must also recognize that the fear of a new pandemic hovers in our minds. Especially when the media were talking regarding the first case of monkey pox detected in Ile-de-France. Some immediately imagined that the country might face a new health crisis.
Fortunately, we have not yet reached such dramatic conclusions. However, the vigilance of the health authorities is not weakening. The slackening of the population is one more reason to remain on alert. Because, the readers ofObjeko know, the Covid-19 virus continues to circulate on the territory. We just hear less regarding it because hospitals are less overwhelmed. That fewer serious cases are listed. Also, no doubt because the vaccines are effective and a large part of the population is thus “immune” to the virus.
If we get vaccinated or have contracted the virus, we indeed have a period of time during which the chances of falling ill drop drastically. However, we are not immune to setting a precedent. Because remember that the Covid-19 virus is brand new. And still being studied by specialists in the field of health. Therefore, drawing definitive conclusions might be premature.
The fight once morest the pandemic continues
As readers ofObjeko know it, the strategy vaccination is one of the most effective responses in the event of a health crisis. Therefore, since the pandemic due to the Covid-19 virus is still relevant, the vaccine recall is approaching. Also, the High Authority for Health gave its recommendations on the subject this May 25. There is talk of a vaccine booster in the fall. And for the moment, it only concerns the people most at risk. That is, immunocompromised people and people over the age of 65. For the others, we have no doubt that the vaccine will be available if the patients want it. This mandatory reminder announcement would ultimately only apply to this category of the population.
But to be sure, you will have to stay informed of government announcements. Indeed, before the government puts in place an official decree, this vaccine reminder will not be mandatory. It is simply part of recommendations of the High Authority for Health.
“Even if the current data seem to show that the epidemic is stabilizing in France, it is highly likely that the circulation of the virus will periodically re-intensify. (…) periodic transmission peaks might occur due to the increase in the proportion of people with waning immunity, making it necessary to periodically administer a dose of rappel vaccine for those most at risk of severe form.“, reads the official press release. The Covid-19 virus therefore remains very present…