Parents of 4 children The boat leaked, the eldest survived. Wife dies, 3 years old missing Pampers Paloi call of life

Sadly, Samphao Lom Subdistrict, a 12-year-old child was shocked by the loss of his mother and younger brother. Parents of 4 children Motorboat sank in Chao Phraya save the eldest child Wife dies, 3 years old sinks Pampers Pass Gems Revealing a call to death in the middle of the night before his death

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At 03:30 on May 29, 2022, Pol Col Samart Raksasat, Deputy Inspector of Investigation, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Police Station Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province Two motorboats were sunk, injured and missing. within the Chao Phraya River Near the waterfront of Pornphinit Pittayakan School, Village No. 4, Samphao Lom Subdistrict, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya District Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province Coordinate staff Ruamkatanyu Ayutthaya Foundation with diver go to help

It was found that at the scene of the accident there were several towing motor boats lined up. A group of boat drivers scolded the incident. Two motorboats moored together were lost in the Chao Phraya River. Found the injured, Mr. Somyot Rangsichat, 64 years old, the driver of the boat, choked with water and fainted. The support staff brought them to Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Hospital and Mrs. Maleethip Chaengla, 54 years old. Wife, boat driver, husband rescued from boat while drowning. Severe condition. Rescuers tried to save lives. can’t hold on to life later died As for Malinee, 12 years old, the daughter of the rescue boat driver got out of the boat safely. while the ship was sinking

It was also found that there were Maleewan, 3 years old, drowned and lost, stuck in a boat A diver of the Ruamkatanyu Ayutthaya Foundation searched inside the sunken boat. It took regarding 30 minutes to find the body of Miss Maleewan floating under the roof of the boat because they put pampers on it, causing them to float

from inquiry Ms. Malinee, 12 years old, daughter of a boat driver who is in shock Knowing that before the accident, he, along with his father, mother and younger brother, slept in a tugboat named Aek Sinsap, and another tugboat named Aek Nawee was moored together. I might hear my father shouting that the boat tilted and the ship would sink. Then the ship sank. Along with pulling another boat that was moored together to drown as well At that time, father had dragged him out of the boat first. He was able to swim ashore. Father came to help take the mother out of the boat. Then the exhausted father will drown. The villagers then helped the father to come out of the water first. The younger sister came out in time.

Manop Kamhom, 56, the owner of a towed motorboat, said two to three days before the accident. Mrs. Maleethip, wife of the boat driver to tell in the middle of the night I heard people shouting and calling. When I came to look, I mightn’t find anyone. Therefore believe that because of the response to the call It’s like calling for life

the police officer From the initial investigation, it was known that The boat, where the whole family lay, was no longer towed. due to engine failure Therefore, it was used as a lodge, assuming that the float of the ship was disrupted. when water enters the boat Then the water pump didn’t work, pumping water out of the boat. cause the ship to sink The boatman tried to save his wife and children. until he almost lost his life



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