The “ATM” machine is asking for more money… What happened in Armant in Luxor?

11:27 PM

Friday May 27 2022

Luxor – Mohamed Mahrous:

A post was spread on the social networking site Facebook in Luxor Governorate, stating that there was a defect in one of the ATMs in the city of Armant, in the south of Luxor Governorate, which led to it taking out twice the amount of money that each customer withdraws from the machine.

And the management of his bank, affiliated with the machine, hung a banner that read: “Important and urgent, all customers who were mistakenly disbursed last Thursday, at the Central Armant machine, must refund the amounts, to avoid legal accountability.”

It was found that the automatic teller machine in the Central Armant area had a defect that resulted in a doubling of the amounts of money withdrawn by customers. So whoever withdraws 1,000 pounds, the machine will produce 2,000 for him, and whoever withdraws 2,000 will get 4,000 pounds.

The Facebook pioneers interacted with the publication widely, and the audience’s interaction varied between sarcasm and serious comments demanding the return of the excess amounts to the bank so that young employees would not be harmed.

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