Woman flew 14 hours from the United States to Sweden to surprise her boyfriend, but he didn’t even flinch when he saw her at home | TikTok | rss | USA | Stories | nnda nnrt | STORIES

Imagine traveling more than 5,000 miles to surprise your partner and when you arrive they are unfazed by your presence. This happened to a young American woman, who grabbed her suitcase to visit her boyfriend thinking that he would be excited to see her at her door, but it never happened. Everything that happened she published in TikTok e history went viral.

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His name is Lauryn Mapusua and she is a young woman American that, same madness of love, bought a ticket and grabbed her bags to surprise her boyfriend in Sweden. The young woman first took a flight and then a bus to reach her destination.

After 14 hours of travel between one transport and another, Lauryn arrived at the house of her boyfriend and was pleasantly surprised by the way he received it. With a big hug or a kiss of several seconds? None of the above. The subject didn’t even flinch.

“I was definitely surprised and confused,” reads in the caption of the video that accompanies the images. It is not known exactly if he was really confused by her surprise or perhaps he spoiled some plan when he saw her at her house without prior notice.

red flags

The video did not take long to go viral and generated various reactions regarding it. The vast majority of users agreed that the young woman should look at the “red flags” because of the “warm” welcome that her boyfriend gave her.

“Friend, realize, it’s not there”, one user wrote. Another Internet user, for his part, added that the young man does not match his energy and effort. Since last May 17, the clip has 2.4 million views on TikTok.

How to tell if there is chemistry between two people?

  • The look. The eyes are the Judas of dissimulators.
  • The smile.
  • The search.
  • The conversation.
  • Distance.
  • The orientation.
  • The imitation.
  • The complicity.

Data collected from Codigonuevo.com.



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