She was described as a hero.. a girl called 911 and was killed by a Texas serial killer

Long live the United States, a great shock after the massacre committed by a teenager named Salvador Ramos In a southern Texas elementary school, 19 children and two teachers were murdered.

Behind this horrific crime, the touching story of a 10-year-old girl named Amiri Jo Garza, who was described by social media as a “hero”.

Berlinda Ayola, 49, who is the grandmother of Amiri, one of the victims of the massacre, told the newspaper “People” that the little girl tried to call the emergency number on her cell phone before she was killed.

Amiri Jo Garza and her father – Photo from her father’s Facebook account

No. 911

She also continued, “He could have taken her phone from her, or he could have broken it, or done something, but he shot her to kill her,” noting that her granddaughter “was a hero trying to call 911, to save herself and her friends“.

Areola says Amiri was 10 and loved helping and protecting others, especially when it came to her little brother, 3-year-old Zain, whom she kisses every morning before she goes to school.

Baby Amiri and her brother Zain - a photo from her father's Facebook account

Baby Amiri and her brother Zain – a photo from her father’s Facebook account

She also said that Amiri was brilliant in her academic life, as she received an honors degree on the same day that a shooter stormed her classroom and killed her and her classmates.

Fly with the angels

For his part, Amiri’s father, Angel Garza, said in a post on his Facebook page, “My little sweetheart is now flying with the angels..”

Her father's post on his Facebook page

Her father’s post on his Facebook page

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It is reported that the perpetrator of the massacre on Tuesday, reached aged 18 He had bought two AR-15 assault rifles and bragged about them on social media, hinting he would commit atrocities before carrying out the deadly attack, in which he was also killed after a confrontation with police.

Most of the children killed were 10 years old, as they were killed in one classroom that gathered fourth graders just days before the start of summer vacation, becoming one of the deadliest incidents in the history of American schools, since the shooting at Sandy Hook School in 2012.

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