Saeed calls for a referendum on the new constitution

After directing him to write the new constitution, Tunisian President Kais Saied issues a decree calling for a referendum on it.

  • Tunisian President Kais Saied

Tunisian President Kais Saied issued a decree calling on Tunisians to vote in a referendum on a new constitution, according to what was published in the Official Gazette today, Thursday.

The only question for the referendum will be “Do you agree with the new constitution?” The newspaper stated that polling will begin at 6 in the morning and end at 10 in the evening on July 25.

On May 1, the Tunisian presidency announced that Preparing a new constitution for Tunisia.

And last week, Ain Said Professor of Law Sadiq Belaid He headed an advisory committee consisting of the deans of law and political science, to draft a new constitution for a “new republic”.

Belaid stated that he would go ahead with writing the new constitution “with those who attended”, following prominent academics refused to join it, raising fears that the new constitution would not gain broad consensus.

For their part, the main parties said they would boycott “unilateral political changes” and vowed to escalate protests once morest them.

The Tunisian General Labor Union refusedwho enjoys strong influence, participates in a limited dialogue proposed by the President.

After the meeting of its executive body, the union explained that the dialogue is “formal, in which roles are determined unilaterally and civil forces are excluded,” as well as being “consultative and does not lead to results.”

The Tunisian president confirmed that took over the executive powerlast summer, andParliament dissolved to rule by decreeHe will replace the 2014 democratic constitution with a new constitution by referendum and hold new parliamentary elections in December, while his opponents have accused him of carrying out a coup that undermined the democratic gains of the 2011 uprising that sparked the Arab Spring.



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