Home remedies to eliminate abdominal swelling

Abdominal swelling occurs when the belly feels or is larger than normal, there are many possible causes such as fluid retention, irritable bowel, and infections.

Also, gas buildup may be occurring, which causes swelling in the abdomen. Also, they can be a symptom of some organic disease or of having eaten in excess.

Other causes, depending on Medline PlusUS National Library of Medicine website, are lactose intolerance, ovarian cysts, pregnancy, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), uterine fibroids and, of course, weight gain.

Abdominal problem can be worrying when it causes a lot of painwhen the swelling is frequent or when its shape is unusual, that is, the abdomen looks deformed.

To reduce the inflammation of the abdomen it is possible to resort to home remedies. Even the specialized magazine Vidae published through the portal Mundodeportivo listed some that can help meet this goal:

1. Drink tea or herbal infusions: cups of hot tea can help relieve stomach pain and inflammation. Some that can contribute are mint, ginger, chamomile and cloves.

2. Massage the belly: These should be done with gentle circular movements, in a clockwise direction. This will help relax the muscles in the area and promote a healthy digestive system.

3. Take probiotics: are foods or supplements that contain live microorganisms intended to maintain or enhance the body’s “good” bacteria (normal microbiota), according to the Mayo Clinic. They provide benefits such as strengthening the immune systemthe balance of the intestinal flora, the stimulation of the production of vitamins, the support of digestion and the contribution in diarrheal symptoms.

4. Fennel Seeds: the constant consumption of this seed combats constipation, curbs anxiety, improves digestion and reactivates the metabolism, as explained by the health and beauty portal better with health. It is common for these seeds to be mixed with other ingredients to enhance its benefits and promote the elimination of toxins and break down excess fat in the body.

5. Do physical activity: There are a series of exercises that help relieve symptoms and reduce inflammation in the abdominal area in a short time. Some of the recommended ones are cycling, walking, sit-ups, yoga, among others.

On the other hand, the gate better with health, This health and beauty website points out some foods and products that can cause bloating.

  • Beans: They are a rich source of protein, but they are gas producers in the body. To make changes in the diet, they can be replaced with chicken or fish.which also provide a lot of protein to the body.
  • Fats: French fries are one of the complements of fast foods. These and other types of fried foods can cause bloating and a feeling of heaviness. For this reason, it is important to reduce the consumption of these fatty foods and replace them with fruits and vegetables.
  • Some vegetables: the consumption of broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage should be in small quantities, because they are foods that cause abdominal distension. The reason for this explains better with healthis that “they have compounds similar to those of beans, which cause gas when entering the digestive system.”
  • Carbonated drinks: Some carbonated beverages cause the stomach to produce gas, which as a result will cause bloating and a feeling of heaviness. Similarly, to maintain a healthy diet, experts recommend reducing the consumption of soft drinks and replace them with natural juices.



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