Study: Diabetes has a “serious effect” on the brain

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site said "New Atlas" This is the first study of its kind, in which researchers relied on a set of brain data from 20,000 people in the world United kingdom Between the ages of 50 and 80 years, to know the cognitive changes that occur in patients with type 2 disease diabetes.

They found that changes in the executive functions of the brain, such as memory Learning, flexible thinking, and self-control were common to everyone in the study, both with and without diabetes.

However, the group affected with this disease witnessed a significant decrease of 13.1 percent in the "Executive functions"and a second decrease of 6.7 percent in "Processing speed".

The team of researchers also found that the brain Grays decrease with age, but diabetics experienced an additional 6.2 percent reduction in this substance.

They also discovered an acceleration of brain aging and cognitive decline by 26 percent in this group of people.

The results suggest a strong association between normal age-related neurodegeneration and type 2 diabetes-related neurodegeneration.

In their study, the researchers stated: "The longer you have diabetes, the more severe the effects on brain function".

And still the mechanisms responsible for the effects Diabetes The brain is unknown, while researchers have suggested that it may be related to"Poor availability of energy in the body, which leads to significant changes in brain structure and functions".


The New Atlas website said that this is the first study of its kind, in which researchers relied on a set of brain data for 20 thousand people in United kingdom Between the ages of 50 and 80 years, to know the cognitive changes that occur in patients with type 2 disease diabetes.

They found that changes in the executive functions of the brain, such as memory Learning, flexible thinking, and self-control were common to everyone in the study, both with and without diabetes.

However, the group affected by this disease witnessed a significant decrease of 13.1 percent in “executive functions”, and a second decrease of 6.7 percent in “processing speed”.

The team of researchers also found that the brain Grays decrease with age, but diabetics experienced an additional 6.2 percent reduction in this substance.

They also discovered an acceleration of brain aging and cognitive decline by 26 percent in this group of people.

The results suggest a strong association between normal age-related neurodegeneration and type 2 diabetes-related neurodegeneration.

In their study, the researchers stated: “The longer the duration of diabetes, the more severe the effects on brain function.”

And still the mechanisms responsible for the effects Diabetes On the brain is unknown, while the researchers suggested that it is related to “the poor availability of energy in the body, which leads to significant changes in the structure and functions of the brain.”



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