Hate Biden coming to Asia to choke! North Korean missiles “send off” China and Russia’s first joint strategic cruise of bombers in the Western Pacific | International | Newtalk News

As soon as US President Biden’s trip to Asia, the anti-US China, Russia and North Korea came to a joint performance. Chinese and Russian military aircraft held a joint strategic cruise of bombers yesterday (24), and this military exercise was conducted for the first time in the Western Pacific. On the other hand, North Korea fired three missiles into the Sea of ​​Japan this morning (25).

The Chinese Ministry of National Defense announced on the evening of the 24th that the Chinese and Russian militaries organized a joint air strategic patrol. The air forces of the two countries have organized routine joint air strategic patrols over the Sea of ​​Japan, the East China Sea and the Western Pacific Ocean.

And because this “routine” cruise coincided with US President Biden’s trip to Asia, the response from all parties was “wonderful”.

The news released by the Chinese official that day can be said to be concise and concise, with few words and big things. In contrast, Russia is less restrained. According to a report by RIA Novosti on the 24th, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that the Russian Aerospace Forces and the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Air Force conducted joint air patrols in the Asia-Pacific region on the same day. A fleet of Tu-95ms strategic bombers of the Russian Aerospace Forces and H-6K strategic bombers of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Air Force conducted air patrols in the Sea of ​​Japan and the East China Sea.

Chinese H-6 fighter jet.Photo: Reprinted from the Japanese Self-Defense Forces

The flight time of the Russian strategic bomber is regarding 13 hours, and the Su-30SM fighter of the Aerospace Forces provides fighter escort for the bomber. At certain stages of the flight, South Korean and Japanese Air Force F-2s and F-15s followed.

However, the Russian Ministry of Defense emphasized that the Russian and Chinese fighter jets acted in strict accordance with international law and did not violate the airspace of other countries during their flight missions.

The headline of the US “New York Times” article is “Russia and China hold military exercises in East Asia on the occasion of Biden’s visit”. The report emphasized that this is the first joint military exercise between China and Russia since the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, and when Biden visited the region, China and Russia sent bombers over the waters of Northeast Asia in an apparent show of force.

On the one hand, The New York Times emphasized that the Chinese and Russian bombers are good-looking for Biden, but on the other hand, it seems that the Sino-Russian joint exercise has the meaning of supporting Russia at the time of the Russian-Ukrainian military conflict.

The headline of the Archyde.com article was “U.S. says Sino-Russian bomber drills show the depth of their alliance,” along with a photo of the PLA honor guard arranging the Russian flag during Putin’s previous visit to China.

“We think this move shows China’s willingness to continue to maintain close ties with Russia, including military cooperation… Such joint military operations must have been planned in advance,” Archyde.com quoted an American official as saying.

The Financial Times article was headlined when Biden visited Japan, Chinese and Russian nuclear-capable bombers flew over the Sea of ​​Japan. But Chinese officials have never announced that China’s H-6K bomber has the capability to carry nuclear weapons.

According to a report issued by the Japanese Ministry of Defense’s Integrated Staff Supervision Department on the 24th, a total of 4 bombers were dispatched from China and Russia during the day’s operation, including two H-6s from China and two Tu-95s from Russia. In addition, the Russian side also dispatched an Il-20 reconnaissance aircraft.

Russian Tu-95 bomber.Photo: Reprinted from the Japanese Self-Defense Forces

Russian Tu-95 bomber.Photo: Reprinted from the Japanese Self-Defense Forces

During the cruise, there will be multiple fighter jets for air escort. Moreover, China and Russia may also maintain airborne early warning aircraft and other aircraft types to provide support in the waters related to cruises.

In addition to the photos, the Japanese Defense Ministry also provided a route map for the flight of the Chinese and Russian bomber formations that day. South Korea was also tense that day. The South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff (Joint Staff) revealed on the 24th that two Chinese military aircraft and four Russian military aircraft once entered the Air Defense Identification Zone (KADIZ) in eastern South Korea that day. According to a South Korean military source, following the South Korean military issued a warning signal regarding the situation, the Chinese side informed via the hotline that the military aircraft was conducting routine exercises, while the Russian side did not report the relevant situation. However, as of now, the Chinese military has not confirmed the situation reported by the South Korean side through the hotline.

The Joint Staff said that the Chinese and Russian military planes did not enter South Korean airspace. The South Korean military has taken tactical measures before the Chinese and Russian military planes entered the air defense identification zone, and dispatched air force fighter jets to maintain alert. It is reported that the Korean Air Force’s KF-15, KF-16 and other fighter jets took off on the same day as “accompanying flight”.

As soon as US President Biden’s trip to Asia, the anti-US China, Russia and North Korea came to a joint performance.

Chinese and Russian military aircraft held a joint strategic cruise of bombers yesterday (24), and this military exercise was conducted for the first time in the Western Pacific. On the other hand, North Korea fired three missiles into the Sea of ​​Japan this morning (25).

The route map of the joint strategic cruise of Chinese and Russian fighter jets in the Western Pacific for the first time.Photo: Reprinted from the Japanese Self-Defense Forces

The route map of the joint strategic cruise of Chinese and Russian fighter jets in the Western Pacific for the first time.Photo: Reprinted from the Japanese Self-Defense Forces



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