Defenders of freedom warn of the danger of the left taking Colombia

Defenders of freedom warn of the danger of the left taking power in Colombia.

Defenders of freedom from different parts of the world signed an open letter –published by The American- recommendation to Colombians to vote once morest socialism in the presidential elections of May 29 in their country.

Nearly 100 journalists, businessmen, activists, politicians, and writers emphasize in the document that “the region cannot afford Colombia to fall under the clutches of that model that spread so much misery and crime throughout the region over the years. gold medals of XXI Century Socialism and the Sao Paulo Forum”.

Among the Venezuelan signatories are Miguel Henrique Oteropresident editor of The National, and opposition leaders María Corina Machado, Antonio Ledezma and Diego Arria.

Defenders of freedom petition Colombia

Some others are the American commentator Dinesh D’Souza, the Spanish politician Esperanza Aguirre, the Argentine deputy Javier Milei, the former Foreign Minister of Brazil Ernesto Araujo, the Cuban activist and Sakharov Prize winner Guillermo Fariñas.

With the same objective, they came together to emphasize the importance of vote well in Sunday’s elections in Colombia, outlined The American.

The initiative was presented to stop “Chavista socialism from taking over Colombia.”

They also asked to support economic and press freedom at the polls.

“Those of us who sign this letter believe that Colombia is facing the most important political moment in its history. Not only Colombians, but all of us who believe in freedom have a responsibility to prevent the extreme left from coming to power in Colombia,” they say.

Frustration can lead Colombians to not vote well

In the letter they warn that “frustration with their political class led Colombians to look favorably on a dangerous and revanchist alternative, which might be suicide.”

“As much disenchantment as there is and the perception that Colombia is bad, it is essential that Colombians understand that it can always be worse. And that, contrary to what some believe, today Colombia is a great country, with a robust democracy and solid institutions”, they add.

And they emphasize: “Those of us who sign this letter believe that Colombia is facing the most important political moment in its history.”

“Not only Colombians, but all of us who believe in freedom have a responsibility to prevent the extreme left from coming to power in Colombia,” they state.

That is why they invited them to reject the socialism that is being imposed on them, and “embrace the ideas of freedom, the defense of the free market, property, life and security.”

Complete document:

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