It is the country afflicted by the decision of the avengers of its victory over the Zionists in May 2000. On the eve of the anniversary, its people who are aware of it are looking forward to its riches seized at sea by an American-Israeli decision, to liberate them from domination and dependence, and on that day there will be a new victory that is similar to the glorious May liberation.
On the twenty-fifth of May, the store of inexhaustible victory, and the title of glory that does not fail, will not be attained by the protagonists, nor will the arrogant ones disturb his highness. It was the first nail in the coffin of the enemy, and the beginning of the road towards Palestine, and the most beautiful days of free Lebanon, the independent and dear master.
On the eve of the twenty-fifth of May, there is someone who is occupying Lebanon with dollars, and controlling its economy with aggressive financial policies and with siege, with the help of armies of tools and dealers. With the change of arenas, the resistance remains the protector of all means of salvation, and the treasure of Lebanon in the depths of the sea remains the only option, which is protected by the equations and weapons of the resistance, and oil remains the lifeline if some aspire to their strength, and escape the illusions that American hegemony is an inevitable fate, and that the tyranny of some brothers The Arabs spend endearing, even if spent on the country and the servants.
From the country of true independence and sovereignty baptized with blood, to the pulpits of the claimant of sovereignty and freedom, an ambassador who is neither ashamed of himself nor ashamed while lecturing regarding democracy, freedom of expression and the results of the election, which his country only heard of in the media. His speech was inclusive of the Lebanese and supportive of the resistance – he is the martyr Sheikh Hassan Khaled, who uses his memory to insult the Lebanese in front of the sovereign clappers, who fought the Iranian occupation from the table of the Saudi ambassador.
Ambassador Al-Waleed spoke regarding the fall of those he called symbols of hatred and murder, and he was the one who headed the election machine for the killer of Prime Minister Rashid Karami, who was sentenced by a court and abroad with a special amnesty, that is, the head of the Forces Party, Samir Geagea, whose Excellency worked with intimidation and dollars to make the candidate of Rashid’s killer in Tripoli succeed and bring down the heir of Rashid. The martyr.. The Saudi ambassador talks regarding the fall of the symbols of hatred, and the first to fall is his worn out tools from Fouad Siniora to Mustafa Alloush and Faris Saeed, and the census is getting longer.
As for the enemy of some behind this model of ambassadors, it inevitably does not herald the intent of reform or change, nor aspiration for what is in the interest of the country, but rather blows the trumpets of sedition and further destruction.