By discovering the pot-aux-roses, the young woman was a thousand miles from imagining that the woman who had given birth to her was the very woman who had started a relationship with her husband while they were still together. honeymoon. This discovery will break her heart and literally destroy Lauren, but the first shock over, the young woman is determined to confront them and she wants to put the two traitors face to face with their betrayal. But the reaction of Paul and Julie will frustrate her even more, her mother will reject the accusations altogether, and Julie will go so far as to call her daughter “crazy”. As for Paul, he will simply deny access to his phone to Lauren.
Bitter, Lauren recalls: “When I confronted Paul, he turned white as a sheet and he refused to let me see his phone.” Paul showed no remorse, quite the contrary, a few days later Paul took off his wedding ring and unhesitatingly abandoned Lauren and their seven-month-old daughter. “I felt like my world had come to an end. I was a little bit of a 19-year-old woman, also the mother of a daughter, ”she lamented.