Li Keqiang presided over an executive meeting of the State Council to further deploy a package of measures to stabilize the economy-News and Events- Shiyan Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government Portal

Original title: Li Keqiang chaired an executive meeting of the State Council

Further deploy a package of measures to stabilize the economy and strive to push the economy back to a normal track

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 23. A few days ago, Premier Li Keqiang presided over an executive meeting of the State Council to further deploy a package of measures to stabilize the economy, and strive to push the economy back to a normal track and ensure that it operates within a reasonable range.

The meeting pointed out that the current downward pressure on the economy continues to increase, and many market players are very difficult. Development is the foundation and key to solving all problems in our country. It is necessary to implement the deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, strengthen confidence, respond decisively, fully implement the new development concept, efficiently coordinate epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, and speed up the implementation of the policies determined by the Central Economic Work Conference and the “Government Work Report”. , in accordance with the overall thinking and policy orientation, adopt a package of targeted, powerful and effective range control measures to stabilize the economic fundamentals.

The meeting decided to implement 33 measures in 6 areas, mainly including: First, fiscal and related policies. Efforts shall be made to stabilize the employment of market players. In more industries, the full amount of existing and incremental tax rebates have been implemented, with an increase of more than 140 billion yuan in tax rebates, and a total of 2.64 trillion yuan in tax rebates throughout the year. Three social security premium policies, including deferred pension payments for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, individual industrial and commercial households, and five destitute industries, will be extended to the end of the year, and will be extended to other destitute industries. It is estimated that 320 billion yuan will be deferred this year. Expand unemployment insurance training subsidies for job retention to all insured enterprises in difficulties. For small, medium and micro enterprises that recruit college graduates, support will be increased such as job expansion subsidies. All localities should increase support for small and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households in water, electricity, and rent. This year, the special bonds will basically be in place by the end of August, and the scope of support will be extended to new infrastructure. The re-guarantee cooperation business of the National Financing Guarantee Fund increased by more than 1 trillion yuan. The second is financial policy. Double the amount and proportion of this year’s inclusive small and micro loan support tools. For loans to small and medium-sized enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households, truck loans, and consumer loans for personal housing loans in temporary distress, banks will be supported to postpone repayment of principal and interest within the year; the 90 billion yuan commercial truck loans issued by central automobile enterprises should be linked to banks and enterprises to postpone principal repayment for half a year. Pay interest. The commercial bill acceptance period was shortened from 1 year to 6 months. Promote the legal and compliant domestic and overseas listing of platform companies. The third is to stabilize the industrial chain and supply chain. Optimize the policy of resuming work and reaching production capacity, and improve the services for “whitelist” enterprises. Ensure the smooth flow of freight, cancel the restrictions on passage from areas with low risk of the epidemic, and cancel the regulations and charges for unreasonable limits. Passengers and freight drivers waiting for nucleic acid testing in different places enjoy the same free policy. Increase the civil aviation emergency loan by 150 billion yuan, and support the aviation industry to issue 200 billion yuan of bonds. Orderly increase domestic and international passenger flights, and formulate measures to facilitate personnel exchanges between foreign companies. The fourth is to promote consumption and effective investment. Restrictions on car purchases were relaxed, and the purchase tax on some passenger cars was reduced by 60 billion yuan in stages. City-by-city policies support rigid and improved housing needs. Optimize approval, start a new batch of water conservancy projects, especially large-scale water diversion irrigation, transportation, renovation of old communities, underground integrated pipe gallery and other projects, and guide banks to provide large-scale long-term loans. Start a new round of rural road construction and renovation. Support the issuance of 300 billion yuan of railway construction bonds. Intensify efforts to provide cash-for-work. Fifth, ensure energy security. We will implement local coal production responsibilities, adjust the policy for coal mines to increase production capacity, and speed up the procedures for ensuring coal supply. Another batch of energy projects such as hydropower, coal and electricity will be started. Sixth, guarantee the basic livelihood of the people. Do a good job in unemployment insurance, subsistence allowances, and assistance to the needy. The linkage mechanism for linking social assistance and security standards to price increases shall be activated in a timely manner as appropriate.

The meeting emphasized that all localities and departments should strengthen the sense of urgency and pay close attention to implementation. Relevant departments should detail the package of measures one by one as soon as possible and announce them for implementation. The State Council will supervise the implementation of measures to stabilize the economy at the local level, and local governments should promptly introduce policies to stabilize the economy that are in line with local conditions.



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