Heating and moloks on the Val-de-Travers menu

The General Council of Val-de-Travers was kind enough to give the Bayards district heating a facelift. The legislative accepted Monday evening the renovation of the CAD at a cost of around 1 million francs. Built in 1994, the boiler now needs a facelift, as it no longer meets current standards. At the same time, the Municipal Council wishes to extend district heating, at an estimated cost of around 5.5 million francs. Currently, 20 buildings benefit from district heating, 50 will be able to benefit from it thanks to the extension. A second boiler might even be installed, if the interest is great enough.

Moloks and cardboard compactors.

The Commune also responded to an interpellation from the UDC group, which reacted to criticism from the population in recent months. concerning waste disposal. The municipal councilor Yves Fatton took advantage of recalling that the ten most used moloks points, including those of the Longereuse square in Fleurier and the shopping center in Couvet, are emptied three times a week: Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Some of these moloks often remain empty, even following the weekend. The authorities also recalled that the cardboard compactors only work when the doors are closed, for security reasons. Many users forget to close them following passing through. Worse: some even press the emergency stop button, preventing the machine from compacting the boxes. Since last week, the Commune has installed an additional button that allows manual compaction.

Repair of a bridge in Buttes

The members of the General Council accepted the loan of 186,000 francs to replace the bridge on the island at Buttes. This building is at the end of its life, it was already one of the twenty bridges analyzed by the Commune in 2016. The new bridge will be built with Swiss wood, and will keep a maximum tonnage identical to that of today. /swe



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