A British couple welcomed a young Ukrainian refugee and a few days later the husband fled with her

following the scandal Sofia defended herself this Monday following she began to suffer all kinds of attacks on social networks.


Through tears, the young woman defended herself and insisted that she did not destroy a home but that it was all due to the jealousy of Lorna, Tony’s ex-partner. “Her constant suspicions, the tension, just pushed Tony and me closer,” he justified himself, adding that “she created this situation constantly suggesting that something was going on when it wasn’t. So this is his fault, ”he assured The Sun.

Sofia also revealed that the couple was already going through a bad time. “They had destroyed their relationship long before I came to England. at the beginning of the month”.

As soon as I saw it I liked it, and this is our love story. I know people will think poorly of me, but it happens. I might see how unhappy Tony was,” he said. Although the woman stated that, despite the love she feels for Tony, she is saddened because her own family and her country are ashamed of her.

“I am being accused of dissuading UK families from taking in Ukrainians. They say that thanks to me no one will accept more people from my country”, she lamented and pointed out that due to the harsh criticism she received on social networks, she cannot go out on the street in peace.

Meanwhile, Lorna all pointed her dart at Sofiia. “She was obsessed with Anthony from the beginning, she decided she wanted him and took him,” she told The Sun Lorna Garnett, and assured that “in just a few days everything I knew was turned upside down.”

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According to Lorna, Sofia didn’t take care of her appearance during the day, but she did by the time Tony came home from work. “She came down the stairs with red lips, her hair done and a low-cut top,” she detailed.

“At first I thought I was imagining it or that natural jealousy had invaded me. But unfortunately time proved me right, ”he said and sentenced: “This is how Sofiia paid me to give her a home.”

According to the British media, the new couple began looking for a house to live together at the same time that the procedures for the permanent visa process for Sofiia began.




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