Colors of the homeland | Warning of a security vulnerability that threatens millions of iPhone users… Spying on you

Researchers from Darmstadt Technical University in Germany have discovered a serious security vulnerability that can be used to spy on iPhone users, as well as download malware, even following the device is turned off.

Engineer Walid Hajjaj, an information security expert, confirmed on his personal page on the social networking site “Facebook”, that: the problem It is to run the “Find My” service, which locates the device in case it is lost or stolen.

A security vulnerability threatens millions of iPhone users

According to an information security expert, “Bluetooth, NFC, UWB and NFC” services continue to work even when the iPhone is turned off, according to Hajjaj: “Intruders can use wireless communication units to launch various attacks.”

Users can still smart phones Apple has access to some features, including contactless payment for purchases, even when they’re in low power mode.

Hacking occurs even though the service is interrupted

And long-range wireless data transmission in the new iPhone Bluetooth model, via NFC and UWB broadband connections, continues to work following the device is turned off, according to Hajjaj.

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All three wireless chips have direct access to the protected items, as the researchers were also able to install malware via Bluetooth on the device, and it kept working, even when the power was out.

It is worth noting that this method of spreading malware is complex, and includes many security vulnerabilities that are exploited.

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