How to treat inflammation of the sciatic nerve?

Sciatica or the sciatic nerve is made up of several nerve endings that come from the spine. This begins at the end of the spine, passes through the buttocks and the back of the thigh and when it reaches the knee it divides into the common fibular and tibial nerves, reaching the feet. Many times this journey can cause pain with a tingling sensation, stitches and electric shocks.

In this way, when the nerve becomes inflamed, sciatica pain arises, which produces symptoms such as severe pain in the back, buttocks, or legs, difficulty keeping the spine straight, and pain when walking. For these cases, it is necessary to consult an orthopedic doctor or physiotherapist so that they can guide the treatment to be followed.

Treatment for pain or inflammation in the sciatic nerve can be treated with the use of analgesic medications, anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of pills or ointments, with the use of heat packs and physical therapy with specific exercises. According to the portal these are some options:

Medicines: Some medications prescribed by the orthopedist can be paracetamol, ibuprofen or some stronger ones that are derivatives of morphine such as tramadol, accompanied by a muscle relaxant such as diazepam. Nevertheless, A more natural way to combat pain is to take vitamin B complex, as it improves nerve health.

Massages: A home treatment for an inflamed sciatic nerve is massage with moisturizing cream or oils, since they can be applied to relieve pain and improve mobility. Experts recommend that these massages should be performed by a masseur or physical therapist.

This condition causes severe pain in the back, buttocks, or legs, and produces a strong spasm when walking. – Foto: Getty Images

Exercise: It is important to keep in mind that rest worsens the pain or staying in the same position, and for this reason, mild exercise helps reduce inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Initially, stretches that can be done with the person lying on their back and hugging the legs are more recommended.

Some physiotherapists assure that following the first week of exercises you can carry out a home muscle strengthening routine that can be: lie on your back, bend your knees and squeeze a pillow between your legs; To work your back and spine, you should lie on your back, bend your knees and lift your hips and buttocks off the bed.

Physiotherapy: In most cases, the treatment of nerve inflammation involves physical therapy sessions with devices that reduce pain and inflammation. In these therapies, localized heat is applied to the area to be treated and then stretches are performed to relieve compression of the nerve.

When the problem is associated with poor posture, a treatment called Global posture re-education (RPG), in which there is a correction of the posture and the stretching of the muscles responsible for the alteration of the posture.

Feeding: In a crisis of the sciatic nerve, anti-inflammatory foods should be chosen, such as salmon, garlic, flaxseed, chia and sesame. In turn, it is essential to reduce the consumption of foods that increase inflammation in the body, which are mainly processed meats like sausage, cold cuts and bacon.

  • Perform stretches that help the flexibility of the muscles of the legs and spine.
  • Experts recommend practicing activities such as pilates or hydrogymnastics, to strengthen the muscles.
  • It is important to always be within the ideal weight.
  • Keep the abdomen strong to protect the spine
  • Maintain correct back posture both standing and sitting.



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