France shocks Ukraine over the European Union… after 20 years

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Boone said over the radio "Radio’s" French: "We have to be honest. If we say that Ukraine you will join European Union In 6 months or a year or two we are lying. That is not true. It will probably take 15 or 20 years which is a long time".

The French official added: "I don’t want to sell Ukrainians Illusions and lies. If we say to the Ukrainians welcome to the European Union. But you didn’t read in the footnote to the contract that it says welcome 15 years later, I think we are preparing the disappointments of an entire generation of Ukrainian people.".

Boone continued: "In the meantime, we owe it to the Ukrainians. With a political project they can engage in".

explained that european political organization suggested by French President: "complementary to the European Union" And"It can present a concrete political project to countries that are not in the European Union and want to get closer to us".

and added French Minister: "The door is not closed, on the contrary, the door is open"noting the merits of the proposed organization as "Freedom of movement in Europe" And the ability to "Partially benefiting from the European budget for reconstruction and recovery" In Ukraine, it may even benefit from common energy policies.

The issue of enlarging the European Union to include Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova raises controversy and disagreements within the bloc.

On Thursday, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba denounced, "second-class treatment" from "certain capitals" on Ukraine’s candidacy to join the European Union.

German Chancellor Olaf Schulz had previously stated that he did not support granting Ukraine "short cut" for membership in the European Union.

As for the French president, in a speech on the occasion of Europe Day on May 9, he estimated that the path of Ukraine’s accession to the European Union "It will take several years, in fact several decades"and in the meantime suggested the creation of "new european organization".

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky responded to the French proposal on Saturday, saying that "We can’t stay away"and added: "We do not need alternatives for Ukraine’s candidacy for EU membership".

In response to a question regarding Zelensky’s reaction, Boone said that "understand" His position because the integration into the European Union "mobilizes his people"added "But I answer: Let’s be honest, European membership takes time".


“We have to be honest. If we say that Ukraine you will join European Union In 6 months or a year or two we are lying. That is not true. It will probably take 15 or 20 years, which is a long time.”

The French official added: “I don’t want to sell Ukrainians Illusions and lies. If we say to the Ukrainians welcome to the European Union. But you didn’t read in the footnote to the contract that it says ‘hello’ 15 years later, I think we are preparing disappointments for an entire generation of Ukrainian people.”

“In the meantime, we owe the Ukrainians . a political project in which they can engage,” Bonn continued.

explained that european political organization suggested by French President: “complementary to the European Union” and “might present a concrete political project for countries that are not in the European Union and want rapprochement with us.”

and added French Minister: “The door is not closed, on the contrary, the door is open,” referring to the advantages of the proposed organization such as “freedom of movement in Europe” and the ability to “benefit in part from the European budget for reconstruction and for recovery” in Ukraine, and perhaps even benefit from joint energy policies.

The issue of enlarging the European Union to include Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova raises controversy and disagreements within the bloc.

On Thursday, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba denounced “second-class treatment” by “certain capitals” over Ukraine’s candidacy to join the European Union.

German Chancellor Olaf Schulz said earlier that he did not support giving Ukraine a “shortcut” to EU membership.

As for the French president, in a speech on the occasion of Europe Day on May 9, the French president estimated that the path of Ukraine’s accession to the European Union “will take several years, in fact several decades”, and in the meantime suggested the creation of a “new European organization”.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky responded to the French proposal on Saturday, saying that “we cannot keep our distance”, adding: “We do not need alternatives to Ukraine’s candidacy for EU membership.”

Answering a question regarding Zelensky’s reaction, Bonn said he “understands” his position because EU integration “mobilizes his people,” and added, “But I answer: let’s be honest, European membership takes time.”



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