With a crew all women.. Watch a flight that operates Saudis!

Over the past few hours, many Saudis welcomed the first “women’s” domestic flight, expressing their joy and pride in the Kingdom’s women.

This came after Flyadeal Airlines announced that it had completed its first flight in the Kingdom with an all-women crew.

The Flyadeal airline’s low-cost flight took off Saudi Arabia From the capital, Riyadh, heading to Jeddah last Thursday, company spokesman Imad Iskandarani told AFP.

He also confirmed that the “majority” of the seven-person crew were women, including the co-pilot, except for the captain, who was a foreign woman.

Yesterday, the General Authority of Civil Aviation in Saudi Arabia praised the expansion of the role of women in the aviation sector in recent years.

Within the framework of Vision 2030 reforms

It is noteworthy that in 2019, the authority announced the first flight with its crew, a Saudi assistant to the pilot.

Saudi goals include the aviation sector and fall within the framework of reforms Vision 2030 Increasing passenger traffic annually by more than 3 times to 300 million passengers by the end of the current decade.

The kingdom is also seeking to attract $100 billion in investments to the sector by 2030, establish a new national airline, build a “mega airport” in Riyadh, and increase freight by 5 million tons each year.

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