By completing his tax return online, Marc discovers 4 new codes: “Are these amounts unfavorable to the taxpayer?”

As every year at this time, it’s time to complete your tax return. Marc chose to carry out this task online. When he was on the verge of sending it, this Brussels resident was surprised to discover four new codes, which appeared without explanation. What do they correspond to? Do they have an influence on the tax calculation?

Marc, a 66-year-old retiree, was surprised when he wanted to complete his personal tax declaration for the year 2021 online.I started from the tax declaration pre-filled by the SPF Finances. I had to fill in a few boxes and then when I ran a tax simulation to see the tax calculation, four new codes came out of nowhere, matched next to unknown amounts.”, reports this inhabitant of Neder-over-Hembeek via the orange Alert us button. These are codes 1041 0 / 1042 0 / 1541 120.00 / 2541 120.00.

“Are these amounts unfavorable to the taxpayer?”

Marc went through his entire tax return. He did not find these codes and amounts which appear without explanation. Intrigued, the sexagenarian therefore wonders regarding their meaning. “Are these amounts unfavorable to the taxpayer?”asks the retiree.

In an attempt to obtain clarification, he contacts the FPS Finances via an online form. But apparently no answer regarding this can be given in writing. You must therefore call the FPS Finances. “I had a lady on the phone who explained to me that these are administrative data that have no impact on the tax calculation. You don’t have to complete them. This refers to Covid times. But I didn’t get much more info.explains Marc, whose wife is head nurse in a nursing home.

No impact on taxation

The spokesperson for the FPS Finances confirms that these internal codes “have no impact on taxation” of the person. Florence Angelici reveals that the SPF has just published a list of the main “administrative” codes essential for the establishment of your tax.

This administrative data is completed automatically according to your personal situation. They are visible on your tax roll warning, in the estimate of your tax calculation when you complete your declaration on the internet and in the anonymous calculation of your tax when you use TaxCalc.

In the case of Marc, the first two codes (1041 and 1042) relate to the number of dependent children or not. And the others (1541 and 2541) refer to the balance of the postponement of the 120 overtime Covid not yet tax-exempt 2021.”These codes are pre-filled for all taxpayers even when they have not declared Covid voluntary overtime in the 2021 tax year. In this case, the deferral is maximum (120 hours)”explains Florence Angelici.

Reminder of the deadlines for sending your declaration

As a reminder, this year, 48 new codes, including 18 linked to Covid, are appearing while 34 are deleted from the tax document. Some 3.8 million people received a simplified declaration proposal (PDS), or 57% of taxpayers, compared to 3.75 million in 2021.

The paper forms arrive by mail during the month of May. People who choose this option will have to return their declaration by June 30, while those who prefer Tax-on-web can do so until July 15. The declaration via agent is authorized until September 30, while the deadline ran to October 21 last year.

Our report on tax return assistance in 2022:

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