More countries report monkeypox cases! It has spread in Spain in the second half of April, and US experts say that the infectiousness of monkeypox virus is increasing |

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2022-05-20 20:09:32

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Every editor Wang Yuelong covers Yuanyuan

According to CCTV News, more European countries have reported cases of monkeypox following the United Kingdom, Portugal and Spain successively reported confirmed cases of monkeypox. in, Germany, Confirmed cases have been found in Italy, Sweden, Belgium and France.

also Canada and Australia have also reported the first confirmed cases of monkeypox.

According to the Global Times,The National Public Broadcasting Network (NPR) recently published an interview with two medical experts from the University of California and the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases regarding monkeypox in 2017. As to whether the monkeypox virus will become more contagious and thus pose a global threat,Two experts have said the answer is yes, Because every time a virus breaks out in humans, the virus will evolve to be more adapted to spread among humans as it infects more and more people.

European countries report first cases of monkeypox

Spain: Transmission started in the second half of April

According to CCTV news, according to the Italian news agency ANSA, the Spalanzani Hospital in Rome, Italy, which specializes in infectious diseases, reported a confirmed case of monkeypox on the 19th.This is Italy reported its first case of monkeypox this year. The patient is a male and his condition is not serious. He is currently hospitalized for isolation and treatment. He has been to the Canary Islands in Spain before. The hospital also reported two suspected cases of monkeypox.

According to Agence France-Presse, The Swedish Public Health Agency issued a statement on the 19th, reporting a confirmed case of monkeypox. The patient, from the Stockholm area, is not in serious condition and is receiving treatment. “We don’t yet know where he was infected and we are investigating,” said Clara Sundon, an infectious disease physician and investigator with the Department of Public Health.

local time on May 20, The French Ministry of Health announced the first case of monkeypox in France. The French National Health and Safety Agency previously said in a letter to medical staff that the patient had a body temperature of over 38 degrees Celsius and had small herpes on his body, accompanied by unexplained inflammation.

The Institute of Microbiology of the Bundeswehr in Munich, Germany said on the 20th, A patient in Bavaria, Germany, contracted monkeypox, the first confirmed case of monkeypox in Germany.

DPA reported on the 19th that Belgian Flemish Radio and Television reported that, The Antwerp School of Tropical Medicine, Belgium, reported a case of monkeypox that day. The patient’s condition is not serious, and relevant authorities are tracing close contacts.

In addition, following Portugal reported 5 confirmed cases on the 18th, the number of confirmed cases had risen to 14 as of the 19th, mainly from the Lisbon area.

Spain reported the first 7 confirmed cases on the 19th, and 22 suspected cases were tested. According to a report by Spanish newspaper El Pais on May 20, local time, The monkeypox virus has spread in the Madrid region of Spain in the second half of April 2022. According to information from health authorities in the region of Madrid, most of the known cases of monkeypox virus infection in the region have developed symptoms since May 7-8, while the incubation period of monkeypox virus usually lasts from 6 to 13 days. The next can last 3 weeks.

Andradas, director-general of health for the Madrid region, said there was evidence that one of the cases started showing symptoms in late April. As the number of cases increased and the epidemiological investigation progressed, together with the release of monkeypox case reports in the United Kingdom, the above cases began to be identified as suspected monkeypox cases.


Canada, Australia confirm first monkeypox cases

According to CCTV news reports, the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) issued a statement on the evening of May 19 local time, saying that Quebec has confirmed two cases of monkeypox, which are The first such cases in Canada have been confirmed by the Government of Canada.

The Department of Public Health said it has alerted public health authorities across the country to patients with relevant symptoms, regardless of recent travel history. Earlier in the day, Montreal public health officials announced 17 suspected cases of monkeypox in the greater Montreal area. It is unclear whether the two confirmed by the Department of Public Health are among the 17.

On the 18th, officials from the Massachusetts Department of Health said, A man with the first monkeypox case of the year in the United States recently traveled to Canada.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on the 19th that it is monitoring six Americans who may have been infected with the monkeypox virus. The monkeypox virus traveler nearby.

On May 20, local time, the Victorian Department of Health in Australia confirmed that a person who returned to the state from the United Kingdom was infected with the monkeypox virus. And said that monkeypox virus has been circulating in the UK. Victorian Health has issued a public health alert through its official website and social media. This is the same day that another person infected with the virus was found following a person suspected of being infected with monkeypox was reported in New South Wales, Australia.

Monkeypox is a viral zoonotic disease that can be transmitted from animals to humans through close contact. Although human-to-human transmission is not easy, close contact with an infected person may also occur. The initial symptoms of monkeypox infection in humans include fever, headache, muscle aches, back pain, and swollen lymph nodes, which can later develop into a widespread rash on the face and body. Most infected people recover within a few weeks, but others become seriously ill and even die.


Image Source:Vision China VCG111383093839

There are two clades of monkeypox virus, the West African clade and the Congo Basin (Central Africa) clade. The case fatality rate for the West African branch is roughly 1%, while the case fatality rate for the Congo Basin branch may be as high as 10%.


U.S. expert: Monkeypox virus is becoming more contagious

Smallpox vaccine protects

According to the Global Times, two medical experts from the University of California and the U.S. Army Institute of Infectious Diseases Medicine said in an interview in 2017 that although “monkeypox” sounds like a virus from monkeys, It is not monkeys that mainly carry and spread this virus, but rodents such as mice and squirrels. The virus is called “monkeypox” because the disease was first discovered in humans in 1958 in monkeys, and the first recorded human case was in Africa in 1970.


Image credit: National Public Broadcasting Network

According to Overseas Network, citing the Japan Broadcasting Association (NHK) on the 19th, in addition to the transmission of the virus from animals to people, there is also the possibility of human-to-human transmission, but the transmission route is limited. Currently, While there is no cure, it has been established that the smallpox vaccine is also protective once morest monkeypox.

Shigeru Morikawa, a virus expert at Okayama University of Science in Japan, said that people who have not been vaccinated once morest smallpox, have underlying diseases, and have low immunity are more likely to develop severe monkeypox. also, The monkeypox virus does not spread through droplets like the new coronavirus, and has a small chance of spreading globally. However, in areas where the epidemic occurs, care should be taken to avoid touching wild animals at will.

However, the aforementioned two U.S. experts said, The infectiousness of this virus is increasing. For example, in 2010, a team of one of the experts found that the contagiousness of monkeypox in the African Congo (DRC) had increased from 1 infection per 10,000 people since the 1980s to 2010. There were 14 infections per 10,000 people in 2018.

The expert believes that the emergence of this situation may be related to the “elimination” of the smallpox virus in humans, because After that, people stopped vaccinating once morest smallpox virus, but this vaccine is also very effective once morest monkeypox virus, Efficacy is regarding 85%, so this may have contributed to the increase in monkeypox cases.

The two experts also cited the Ebola virus as an example, saying that it was not thought that Ebola might spread easily among humans, but it was later found that the virus can even infect medical staff wearing protective equipment.Therefore, scientists have been paying attention to whether new transmission routes of the virus will emerge.

Finally, the editor of the National Public Broadcasting Network, who published an exclusive interview with American experts, summed it up once more, saying that The new crown epidemic has shown that viruses can continuously mutate when infecting humans, and thus become more contagious. Therefore, the editor of the website believes that this round of monkeypox virus outbreaks in Europe and the United States “may be a signal that the virus has changed.”

Edit|Wang Yuelong Gai Yuanyuan

proofreading |Cheng Peng

Cover image: Photo Network_500982688


Daily economic news is integrated from CCTV news,, Global Times, overseas network, etc.



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