Lin Heming is so sour that Shuangbei makes a phone call. There is no need to perform Hou Youyi’s anger: How many times have I called myself? – Politics – Middle Time

Lin Heming is so sour that Shuangbei makes a phone call. There is no need to perform Hou Youyi’s anger: How many times have I called myself?

The mayor of Shuangbei has frequently attacked the central government for the epidemic. Lin Heming, deputy secretary-general of the DPP, retorted that the mayor of Shuangbei was a political slobber. Who would dare not answer the call, and even ridiculed that the press conference was a performance. New Taipei Mayor Hou Youyi pointed out directly today (18) that he had made numerous phone calls and still mightn’t solve it. He asked the president and the dean to visit the front line in person to see what the problem was.

Hou Youyi said. The epidemic prevention in New Taipei City for more than two years has been guarded when it was cleared, and now it has begun to turn around. During the process, he has contacted the CDC. He has called the commander of the command center countless times because many things have not been resolved and the problems have not been improved. Seeing the suffering of the people and the helplessness of being impacted, as well as the cumbersome and complicated procedures and complaints from the people faced by the grassroots medical institutions, the central government has not changed what needs to be changed quickly, and many of them have communicated with him on the phone 3 or 4 times. Prayer, just can’t get any solution.

Hou Youyi shouted directly to the President and the Chief Executive. Hou said that although he might not receive a response to his communication last year, he always adopted a respectful attitude. However, in this year’s epidemic, we have seen the suffering of the people and heard the voice of the people, but we cannot make phone calls. It’s useless for the CDC. Please ask the president and the dean to come down to the front line to see the current situation, and then they will know the problem. For example, it is useless for him to talk regarding the rapid screening of reagents for a long time, and the president can solve most of it in one sentence.

“Remember, only by embracing the people and understanding their needs and pains can they directly solve their problems. This is what politicians should do.” Hou Youyi said earnestly, we should listen and be humble, and be considerate and tolerant of the people here. The injuries suffered during this period will always stand with the citizens. The mayor reflects the voices of everyone. I hope that the president and the dean will hear the problem and come out to solve the problem. This is what politicians should do.

Hou Youyi continued to attack the central government. During the peak period, it was the citizens and friends who suffered the most. The economy was impacted, and the supplies for epidemic prevention were insufficient. The pain cannot be solved; the authority of statutory infectious diseases is in the central government, and those with authority should quickly solve the problems raised in the local implementation, and work together to prevent the epidemic. This is the most important key.

Hou Youyi said that this issue has been discussed for more than a month, and the information that people fill in is not accurate and complete, and it does account for a small part, but the most important thing is the Fa transmission system, which has been reflected for so long and so many times. Now, the central government has to solve it quickly, otherwise all my colleagues will be chased and run by the neighbors, and they were even “chased and beaten” yesterday.



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