Interview with Dr. Martinez Lao

Family medicine continues without these among the priorities of the election of MIR position, all these years ago the same thing has happened. The Dra. Mª del Mar Martínez Lao is the current member of the Urban Primary Care section of the Cgcom. As a national and collegiate representative member in Ciudad Real, she has a lot of knowledge of what is happening.

In a conversation with iHealth, Dr. Martínez Lao assures that the care overload is behind this situation. “Primary care is not being attractive for those who are choosing a place because we have a great care overload, we have a growing and excessive demand”. Furthermore, he insists thatwe have a great loss of prestige with respect to the rest of the specialties. We have many activities and a lot of bureaucratization”.

Recently from two societies, SEMG y Semergen, have opted to increase the presence of family medicine in universities. They have requested that the teaching plans for training in the Degree in Medicine include the subject of family medicine. Dr. Martínez Lao agrees. She also believes thatit is necessary to increase the presence of family and community medicine in the university”. However, the problem is structural.

For Dr. Martínez Lao, it is necessary to increase the presence of family and community medicine in the university

It is the care burden of family doctors that prevents the specialty from being developed at the university. “Aneca sets requirements that are almost impossible for family doctors to be accredited”, he insists. For her it is very difficult because there is time for healthcare activity and to do the doctoral thesis and, therefore, “be able to access the criteria to be able to be a professor”.

However, he insists on the work being done by the Council of Medical Associations (Cgcom). In fact, the Cgcom supports the working group AP25. This group is, among other things, “making a detailed study of the high care overload of primary care doctors, the overcrowding of consultations, the time we dedicate to patients”.

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