Previously, in 2020, the young actor was in a good mood. “Golf Benjaphon” Decide on the dilemma Undergoing a large set of surgeries, reshaping the nose, reshaping the lips, doing a chestnut-shaped lip, as well as a chin augmentation, physiognomy, and more, most recently, “Golf Benjapol” is auspicious. Post a picture of Thongchai Day, 18 May 2022, flying far to make a new face in Korea. to personal instagram Write the message “Yes, i am #2years passed #new series must come #newnose #korea #mother taught me #our face is not a public space. #If you want to do anything you want to do, just do it. #Love you mom #Mae Daeng
Before posting a picture of yourself with Dr. while consulting along with writing the message, “First photo: Consult with Dr. Kim Ha Kyung at @note.prs Korea for the last time before surgery tomorrow. with Nong Yu Lam, the most beautiful and talented person, to help translate and give advice closely.
2nd picture : Taken with Mina @oojung55, the most beautiful sister, the talented agency from @parichasaengkaew This is the person who took Zani to see Dr. Kim to adjust her face until she is beautiful, sweet, beautiful, perfect as she sees at the moment. @zanizina right? @faaaiiii_natapat @pui_kotchaphan #mother taught me #our face is not a space public #If you want to do anything you want to fix, just do it.
Followed by “Thank you for all the encouragement that you have sent me a comment. #What do you like to read like this? #I love you all so much #Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart everyone. @pui_kotchaphan” and posted a picture of himself following the dilemma is complete. with a message saying “Everything is fine, everyone. #Thank you for loving me #Thank you @pui_kotchaphan”