What are the least demanded specialties?

Applicants to the MIR 2022.

Although the adjudication process MIR vacancies for access to Specialized Health Training (FSE) 2022 will end this Friday, there are still three specialties that have not managed to allocate even 30 percent of the places offered for this call. These areas least in demand among applicants are Microbiology and Parasitology, Work Medicine y Clinical Analysiswhich maintain more than 70 percent of vacancies without an owner.

According to the award report published this Wednesday by the Ministry of Health, Work Medicine It is the area furthest behind in the current call. Specifically, only 27 percent of the offer for this specialty has been assigned, so 78 of the 107 places offered are still available.

follows closely Microbiology and Parasitology (29 percent), with 29 places to fill, and Clinical Analysis (29 percent), which keeps 15 of its 29 seats free.

In this Wednesday’s session, in which the allocation of places has been made for applicants with order number 7,300-7,800 of the Medicine degree, no specialty has been sold out.

Therefore, as in the previous day, the areas that are closest to filling the quota are Clinical Neurophysiologywith 97 percent occupancy and only two vacancies without an owner, and Immunologywith 93 percent of places assigned and only one available.

They also show high percentages of allocated places Pathological anatomy (89 percent); Nuclear medicine (90 percent); Clinical Pharmacology (74 percent); Y Geriatrics (73 percent).

The rest of the specialties that have not sold out are: Clinical Biochemistry (60 percent), with two places available; Y Preventive medicine and public health (45 percent), with 62 gaps to cover.

Family exhausts more than half of its MIR places

With only two days to finish the assignment, Family and Community Medicine has managed to fill more than half of the places offered for this call: 1,272 places corresponding to 54 percent of the total. On this last day he has ‘signed’ 215 more future specialistsso the number of vacancies is set to 1,064.

However, despite this little push down the stretch, Family worsens the statistics compared to the previous call. So much so that, in 2021, this area had delivered 1,508 places at this point in the process; 64 percent of the initial offer.

According to the Ministry of Health, there have been 318 applications for places of the 425 applicants summoned to today’s session, since there are 75 applicants in this session who opted for the non-EU quota.

Likewise, the ministerial body reports that an appeal has been estimated for the applicant with order number 7,997, who will choose between order numbers 7,756 and 7,757.

Although it may contain statements, data or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in Medical Writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend the reader that any questions related to health be consulted with a health professional.



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