got confused in the Curve of Death and ended up in a ditch

a shocking Sinister road occurred this Wednesday morning on National Route 33, in the jurisdiction of the city of Pérez, regarding 15 kilometers southwest of Rosario. It all happened around 8.30 on the call “Curve of Death”.

According to the first information, the driver of a Nissan who was alone in the vehicle, lost control of the car and ended up embedded in a ditch. In principle, no other vehicle would have been involved in the accident.

The place was attended by two crews from the Pérez Volunteer Firefighters, personnel from the Integrated Medical Emergency System (Sies)l, from the Traffic and Civil Protection sections of the Pérez Municipality and the police.

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As it turned out, the motorist suffered serious injuries and the Volunteer Firefighters had to work for a couple of hours to be able to rescue him from inside the passenger compartment. The victim was finally referred in the first instance to the Centennial Hospital of Rosario. Traffic in that sector of National Route 33 was normalized following the rescue efforts.

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Background in “The Curve of Death”

In that same place, on Saturday, May 7 in the followingnoon, there was a road accident with similar characteristics to today’s. On that occasion, a truck loaded with flour that came from a mill in the town of Chabás and was headed for Brazil, overturned minutes before 1:00 p.m.

This happened when the driver of a Scania 320 truck with a Brazilian license plate lost control of the heavy vehicle at the entrance to the so-called “curve of death” – his partner, who was in another truck and might see the mechanics, indicated that he was would have unbalanced the load – and following capsizing in a spectacular way, it was literally upside down on the tracks of the Nuevo Central Argentino (NCA) railway.

The driver was trapped in the passenger compartment and had to be rescued. Some of the cargo that spilled in that incident was still visible Wednesday where the Nissan car fell.



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