Roberto Pettinato spoke about the health of his son Felipe after the fire in his apartment

Roberto Pettinato spoke regarding the fire in his son Felipe’s house (Audio: “Mañana de sol”, Pop Radio)

Roberto Pettinato referred this morning on his Pop radio show to fire in the Belgrano building that occurred on Monday night. As a result of the incident, so far there is one dead and three people affected by smoke inhalation who were taken to a nearby hospital. One of them is Felipedriver’s son.

As detailed by the driver of sunny morning -who is isolated at home with coronavirushe found out on the news early this Tuesday when he woke up to do his radio cycle. She immediately contacted her eldest daughter, Tamarawho brought him peace of mind, assuring him that his son is out of danger. “Philip is fine. He is fine “assured and added that he will call him when his program on Pop radio ends.

“I’m not going to believe the press. When the show is over I’m going to talk to the family and really see what happened.”he added without giving further details regarding the causes of the fire that started on Monday night in the building located on 2390 Aguilar Street, a few meters from its intersection with Cabildo Avenue.

“Many times these things happen in life”Roberto continued and indicated that he will not be able to visit his son until he is discharged for coronavirus. For example, he is driving his radio cycle from his house. “We’ll talk on the phone”, explained Pettinato, who took a few minutes to “bring peace of mind to people.” In this regard, he suggested to his listeners that they “believe 30 percent of what the yellow press is going to tell you.”

On the other hand, Tamara Pettinato didn’t show up for your show And now who can help usfrom Radio with you, and was his driver, Ernesto Tenenbaum, who referred to what happened. “There was a fairly strong fire in a building in Belgrano, three injured and one deceased on the upper floors. One of the pieces of information is that he is Tamara’s brother, the only thing I have is the fact that he wrote and said ‘I have an issue with my brother, I can’t go today’”said the journalist and added: “We do not know the level of seriousness and it touches us directly because it involves a person we love very much, Tamara is a friend of many years and one has pain and empathy for the person who died and the injured. It is a sensitive subject. And for the city, a fire in a building is an important issue.”

Philip Pettinato

On Monday night, members of the City Police, several fire departments and SAME ambulances arrived at the scene, a busy commercial area, to attend to the emergency and evacuate all the departments of the building as a security measure.

According to what they specified Infobae police sources, the fire broke out around 11:30 p.m. on the 22nd floor of construction for reasons that are still being investigated and, as can be seen in some videos that circulated on social networks, the flames came out of the window of one of the houses and might be seen several meters away.

The first versions indicated that the fire started inside the living room of department “F” and quickly spread to the rest of the rooms in the same unit, where the security forces would have found a man already dead.

Felipe Pettinato is one of the three neighbors who was in the building and who suffered complications from smoke inhalation. Immediately They were transferred in SAME ambulances to the Pirovano Hospital, located a few blocks from the place. His father said that the young man is out of danger.

To facilitate the exit of the rest of the inhabitants of the building, the Firefighters used a unit with an extendable ladder, while the medical personnel of the emergency service arranged a row of stretchers that were prepared to receive the wounded. For its part, the Police cut off traffic in the area while the operation was being carried out, which, After a few hours of effort by all the staff, the fire source was controlled.




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