High blood pressure: risky situations in women

Published on : 16/05/2022 – 09:00

On the occasion of World Hypertension Day, we take stock of this cardiovascular condition which affects 1.13 billion people worldwide. In women, the risk of developing high blood pressure is higher, during certain periods, depending on hormonal variations: contraception with synthetic estrogens, pregnancy, menopause, etc.

Overall, a pregnant woman has a 10 to 15% increased risk of developing high blood pressure. During menopause, this risk concerns one in two women. These are, moreover, exposed to a higher risk than men of having a cardiovascular or cerebrovascular accident. Hence the importance of intensifying screening sessions for women. What are the symptoms of hypertension in female smokers? Are the causes and risk factors identified? What are the treatments ?

  • Professor Jacques Blachercardiologist, arterial hypertension specialist, department head of the Center for Diagnosis and Therapeutics at theHotel Dieu Hospital in Paris and professor atParis Descartes University. Professor of Therapeutics
  • Pri Leila Abidcardiologist, ex-president of the Society of Cardiology, in Tunisia.

At the end of the programme, we take stock of a conference organized by the DNDI and theFrench Development Agency around the theme: “Make health products a global common good”. We talk regarding it with Jean-Francois Alesandrini, former Director of Public Affairs at the Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative.

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