The unemployment rate, at its lowest since 2008, registers a slight decrease in the first quarter of 2022

The unemployment rate fell slightly in the first quarter of 2022, standing at 7.3% of the active population in France (excluding Mayotte), compared to 7.4% in the last quarter of 2021, according to figures published Tuesday, May 17 by INSEE.

In the first quarter, the number of unemployed as defined by the International Labor Office (ILO) reached 2.2 million people, or 18,000 less over the quarter. The unemployment rate is at its lowest level since the beginning of 2008, a level which it had also reached in the second quarter of 2020 thanks to aid to mitigate the effect of confinement. “It is 0.8 points below its level a year earlier, and 0.9 points below its level before the health crisis. [à la fin de 2019] »underlines the INSEE.

Read also: Unemployment: is Emmanuel Macron’s record as good as he claims?

Over the quarter, the youth unemployment rate rebounded slightly (+0.3 points, to 16.3%) following falling sharply in the previous quarter (−3.5 points). It fell by 0.2 points for those aged 25-49, to 6.6%, and was virtually stable for those aged 50 or over, at 5.6%.

The long-term unemployment rate is stable

Regarding the “halo around unemployment”i.e. unemployed people who want to work but do not meet the other ILO criteria for being considered unemployed (actually looking for a job and being available to take one), it remains stable at 1.8 million people.

The long-term unemployment rate is also stable, at 2.2% of the active population. Around 700,000 unemployed people say they have been unemployed and have been looking for one for at least a year.

The employment rate for 15-64 year olds rose once more by 0.2 points, to 68%. It thus exceeds its highest historical level since INSEE measured it (1975). It rose by 0.7 point for young people and reached 34.6%, its highest level since 1991. For those aged 25-49, it rose by 0.2 point, to 82.5%, its highest level since the beginning of 2009. Finally, that of 50-64 year olds is stable, at 65.5%, its highest level ever.

The share of underemployment (part-timers wishing to work more or on partial unemployment) fell by 0.3 points to 4.7%, its lowest level since 1992.

The activity rate (those in employment or unemployment) of 15-64 year olds also increased by 0.2 points, to 73.4%, and returned to its highest historical level in the third quarter of 2021.

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