France: Elisabeth Borne appointed Prime Minister

Polytechnicienne, Elisabeth Borne, passed since 2017 by Transport then by the Ecological Transitionis one of the supporters of the left wing of the government and known for its rigor and skills.

She was Prefect of the Poitou-Charentes region from 2013 to 2014then chief of staff to Ségolène Royal at the Ministry of Ecology from 2014 to 2015before taking the head of the RATP until his joined the government in 2017.

His name has been regularly cited since the re-election of Emmanuel Macron on April 24. The president had specified that he wanted a prime minister with a profile “social, environmental and productive“.

It has the culture of the State, the territory and the company“and demonstrated”its ability to carry out reforms“, underlined the Elysée. “Ecological transition is at the heart of its commitment” and it’s “a left-wing woman with a social commitment, especially for youth, with apprenticeship and the youth engagement contract“.

In addition, Elisabeth Borne is “committed from the beginning alongside the president and at the heart of the majority“, by having joined LREM in 2017she added.

The formation of the government should now take place in the “coming days“, it was indicated in the entourage of the president.



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