Original title: TMZ: Rondo clashed with ex-wife and made death threats to her with gun
On May 17, 2022, Beijing time, according to TMZ, Rondo had a conflict with his ex-wife and threatened her with death with a gun.
Rondo’s ex-wife Ashley Batchelor revealed that when Rondo and his son played video games, Batchelor asked the child to separate the laundry, which made Rondo furious, and he allegedly threw the console from the wall He was ripped off and made a death threat to Batchelor, “You’re going to die”.
Rondo then temporarily left the house and returned regarding 15 minutes later when he came to the back door of the house and started banging on the windows with a gun.
She also said: Rondo has a history of violence, is irritable, and often beats and scolds his children. At present, Batchelor has applied for an emergency protection order. TMZ has contacted Rondo’s agent, but has not yet received a response. Rondo has not been listed as any criminal suspect by the police and has not been arrested.
Subsequently, the official NBA spokesperson said: “We have noticed this report and are currently collecting more information.” (Editor: Sheng Zhe)Return to Sohu, see more
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